Task Four: Bite the Spirit

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"All three of them are desperate: their great guilt, like poison given to work a great time after, now 'gins to bite the spirits."

This is a story about dreams.

Don't get your hopes up, now. I certainly don't mean the high, lofty sort of dreams that might be more appropriately termed 'aspirations.' No, the dreams of this story are of the mundane sort: flashes of image and sensation, non sequiturs that one might find amusing  with the benefit of waking reason, and emotions of shocking potency which might linger even when one emerges from slumber. These are the dreams this story cares about. These are the dreams the island understands.

In a certain sense, the island itself might be considered a dream: it is not ephemeral, but nonetheless has a certain chaos to it. The riotous colors and life are a single step away from death and danger, and to go wandering in its wonders for long might leave you mired in the dark with no sure idea of when or how you got there. This too, the island understands. It has dreams in every stream and flower--and these are far more literal.

After all, the memory of a dream is fleeting. The memory of a nightmare, on the other hand, is far less swift to fade.



-It's the obligatory acid trip task, everyone! See, you probably should have been a little more paranoid about the water you've been drinking as of late. It's not salt to be sure, but it can be so hard to tell when there are things growing in it...or perhaps if there have been ingredients added to it?

-But enough of the fancy language. The water's got hallucinogenic properties now, and you get to enjoy whatever eccentricities your poor, traumatized little brains are going to toss at you.

-Have fun! Or perhaps not. Depends on if you're feeling more angst or more comical LSD moments.

The Choice: Day or night?

Due Date: Friday, December 13 at 10 PM EST. Yes, you get a long deadline because it's Friday the Thirteenth. I regret nothing.

Author Games: TempestWhere stories live. Discover now