Task Two: By Providence

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"How came we ashore?"

"By Providence divine."

This is a story about an island.

It's not a very large island, to be sure, perhaps two and a half miles long by three miles wide. Its shape is similarly unimpressive: the more poetic might call it a crescent, when a more accurate term would be 'playdough squeezed in a toddler's fist.' Perhaps a third of its shoreline is a beach of pristine white sand, a quarter rocks, and the rest a mangrove swamp that scorns the boundaries between land and sea. Dense jungles cover the interior in a mass of vibrant greenery unspoiled by the touch of axe or fire.

The island has weathered mighty hurricanes, baking heat, and the scurry of countless tiny, vicious creatures with enduring equanimity. The mountains of the Himalayas were emotive by comparison.

For the first time in a very great while, however, civilization has arrived upon its shores.

Such interesting things, humans. They never realize how similar they are to the scurrying rats until the exterminators arrive.



-So! After that colossal storm drove the Prospero onto a nearby reef to founder, a number of the crew and passengers were washed ashore, your character among them.

-You find yourselves on a small island that is no less forboding for its size. The jungles are dark, and you can't help feeling like something is watching...

-This is a survival task, everyone! Channel your inner Robinson Crusoe (or recently marooned Jack Sparrow) and write your character's first interactions with a hostile jungle, whether you're looking for water, food, shelter, or fire.

The Choice: Matter or spirit?

Due Date: Due to upcoming presentations/exams, this task won't be due until Thursday, November 21 at 10 PM EST.

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