Slot Ten: Adrien Lovett

82 6 0

Name: Adrien Lovett

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: Plain. There really isn't much to Adrien, not without his "armor". He has plain brunette hair that is usually cut in a medium to short length. He is often confused for someone else, a fact that pisses him off to no end. The only recognizable thing about him, is in piercing sapphire eyes, they are shockingly blue and very difficult to forget. That's precisely why he wears colored contacts, varying on his mood for the day. His personal favorites are a nice pair of hazel ones. He's of average build, average height, and besides his slight slouch, he could look like anyone. And that's the point.

Personality: Adrien isn't a bitter person, he's not. He's just very tired, and ready for the world to get off of his back. He's quick with a quip, and a smile, but you can never be too sure that he is being genuine. Sometimes even he can't tell if he is. He took the job on the cruise liner to save up for college, but something always gets in the way of him getting any solid bank account going. He's partial to drinking, and the occasional gambling with cruise guests. He supposes that might be it. Cruise life isn't so bad, there are many a pocket to pick and free food, if you butter up the right people. Life could be worse.


Phobia: Fear of being the disappoint his mother believes him to be. 27 and no college degree, no real job, no partner, no children.... oh and spiders. He doesn't fuck with that.

Other: Don't trust him, never trust him.

Author Games: TempestWhere stories live. Discover now