Slot Three: Jennifer Mizushima

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Name: Jennifer Mizushima

Age: 16

Gender: Cisgender Female

Appearance: Fairly tall and lithe for her age, she holds herself with an air of dignity and maturity. One glance into her dark brown eyes, and you know she isn't one to mess with. Long, copper red locks gleam under the sunlight like coral from the sea, floating behind her almost like air wherever she walks. Her skin was pale enough to pass as alabaster--you'd know this girl has never gone out to get a tan. So what. She's who she is, and she could hardly care less about it. There's nothing extraordinary about her physically and she prefers to keep it that way.

Personality: Jennifer's more of a "half glass empty" kind of person whose sharp tongue and sarcastic attitude have the potential to put her in trouble. Still, she is not one to harp on the mess of the circumstances she could find herself in. In her mind she's always thinking of ways to pass herself off as something she isn't. Friendly, when she prefers solitude. Kind, when she feels snappish. You can't deny, though, that when it comes to using logic to solve a mystery, she'd be there to work on the problem even if it takes her more than a day.

Crew or Passenger: Passenger, and a reluctant one at that. This trip was decided for her by her father who insisted she needed some time to relax and enjoy the sun and sea.

One Phobia: Well, it's not much of a phobia as it is a sheer annoyance she has--she just really can't stand people acting stupid. (Okay, fine. She gets fearful around monkeys. You know, the ones that chatter and screech so much they sound like they're trying to make someone deaf? Any wild monkey that she encounters would send her screaming.)

Other: The horror of leaving, the horror of surviving. A survivor's mind is only a fragment of the self they left behind in the past.

The horror of questioning, the horror of becoming. When does one ever see metamorphosis before them?

Author Games: TempestWhere stories live. Discover now