046. listen to your heart

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"Tommy? It's me, Indie. Uh, we need to talk."

A few moments later Tom hurried to the door, attempting to fix his bow tie the best he could. After fumbling with it for a few seconds, he gave up. "Isn't the groom not supposed to see the bride before the wedding?"

"That dates back to when arranged marriages were common, dummy!" Indigo yelled so Tom could hear her.


This wasn't working. She had to talk to him. Indigo let out a sigh, then poured out her desperation. "Tommy, this is really important, so can I please come in?"

"Alright-" Tom opened the door, immediately seeing Indigo in her wedding dress, which almost brought him to tears. "Oh my god."

"What?" She asked, forgetting what she was wearing.

"It's just..." He paused, giving himself a moment to take in his fiancée's beauty. "you look beautiful. I can't even describe it."

"Oh, uh, thank you." Indigo blushed, but she had to get straight to the point." Can I come in?"

"Yeah, yeah." Tom said, moving out of the way so she could enter the room. "So what's up?"

Indigo grabbed Tom's hand and pulled him towards the nearest spot to sit at, and motioned him to sit down. "Sit."

"Okay..." He complied, now becoming scared about what this was for.

"I have something to say." She said. Now this this was actually happening, Indigo could feel her heart racing. Sure, she's been nervous before, but she doesn't remember ever being this nervous in her entire life.

"Actually, Indie, I have something to say too." Tom admitted. Now this was exactly what Indigo imagined happening, but she went with it anyway. "How about we just say whatever we have to say at the same time?"

"You sure?" Indigo asked, and Tom nodded in response. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay." She took a deep breath. "3, 2, 1-"

"I don't think we should get married yet-"

"I ran away last night because I don't think we should-" Indigo stopped what she was saying and realized that Tom wanted the same thing as her. "oh..."

It was clear that Tom and Indigo were both feeling the same way, but they never vocalized it to each other until right before the wedding. This could've gone way worse, and the two were both thankful that neither of them wanted a break up or anything like that.

"Guess we had the same thing in mind." Tom chuckled.

"Yeah, guess we did." Indigo smiled at him.

"You ran away?" He asked. For a second, Indigo thought he was going to ignore it, but she blurted it out loud so there's no denying it.

"Yeah." She sighed. "Apparently it was like a whole mission or something. Mission runaway bride or whatever."

"That's insane, you realize that right?" Tom questioned her, adding a laugh at the end.

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