Chapter 25

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November 8th 

Election Night

Oak Springs Farm

Even though the Kennedys tried for a night off, unlike Election Night four years earlier, that wasn't possible. It was a busy house. Every phone was ringing. Jackie who was desperate to have a conversation with her sister had to use Jack's phone in the office (converted from a barn). That day, Jack and Jackie voted at the polls at Buchanan Hall before returning to relax with the children. 

Jackie had spent some time at the stables before she took some time to rest and soak up the sun in the garden. 

When it got late, John and Caroline went to bed, while Jack and Jackie sat in the living room with their fellow staff members. 

"Well bro I think you did it again" Teddy patted his brother's back. "Thanks Teddy" Jack put his youngest brother in a headlock before ruffling his hair. Jackie and Joan watched on in amusement. Bobby joined his brother. "Ladies, let's just move to another sofa" Jackie laughed as she squeezed in the middle with Ethel and Joan either side. 

"But if Jack doesn't win this, we'll still have fond memories to stick by" Ethel reminded them all. They agreed. They happily discussed fond memories. Birthdays, Christmasses, but most of all the inauguration. "Jackie looked beautiful that day" Jack winked quickly at his wife before his brothers could notice. Jackie blushed. 

"Oh get a room" Bobby joked. Everyone laughed, even the loved up First Couple. They also discussed the successful state visits to Europe and Canada in 1961, and they gossiped about Jackie's reknown fashion. "Well, I love my clothes but there is so many other things" Jackie tried to explain. 

Joan shook her head. "Jackie if you start to get all softie, that'll really piss me off" Joan teased her sister in law. "This is why we get along" Jackie pointed at Joan. Everyone laughed, as they hugged like they were biological sisters; not related through marriage. 

Bobby and Ethel decided to go get some punch and Teddy and Joan decided to get some air, leaving Jack and Jackie. Both of them knew that the couples were heading off to make out. Jack wrapped his arm around Jackie. "Do you think you've got it?" Jackie asked her husband. He ate some clam chowder. 

"Well, I think so. As long as I take the South I think I've won" Jack smiled, eating his meal. "Well there's nothing else good to watch" Jackie teased her laughing husband. Jackie kissed her husband's cheek before yawning. "I'm heading upstairs" Jackie yawned before going to the stairs. "Well I'll finish up before coming to bed" Jack blew her a kiss.

Jackie jokingly caught it. "Goodnight!" Jackie called. Jack replied with the same answer. 

He sat and watched the television set. It dawned on him that in about an hour the polls would close and it would be over. 

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