Chapter 18

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Oak Springs Farm

Marine One landed on the private airstrip at the farm where Jack assisted his pregnant wife out the helicopter. Even though she was a month along, those early days were crucial to make sure the baby was formed healthily. Jack and Jackie walked behind their children, who were sprinting towards the limosuine. 

In the car ride to the house, Jackie sat staring out the window. The grass was showing off it's radiant shade of green in the glorious September sun. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was ideal, for some time away. The estate was peaceful, intimate and most of all: private. 

The car eventually pulled up outside the main house. The kids headed inside with Mrs Shaw while Jack and Jackie entered soon after. They immediately retired to their bedroom. Jackie lowered herself onto the bed. "I'm going to lie down" Jackie sighed, rubbing her stomach. Jack nodded. "I'm off for a bath" he sighed, stretching. 

Even though he loved flying, it was tiring. Jackie agreed. As Jackie took a nap, Jack eased himself into a warm bath. All his stress and pain drifted away. 

When he entered the bedroom, Jackie was still asleep. He got into some slacks and a T-shirt before sliding under the covers. Even though it wasn't pyjamas he was wearing, he still wanted some sleep. 

After ten minutes, he woke before Jackie followed several moments later. "Hey bunny" Jackie sighed, kissing her husband. Jack grinned. "I missed you during that nap" Jack joked. Jackie giggled before blushing. "When should we tell Pierre to make this official?" Jackie asked. The President shrugged his shoulders. 

"Most of the country probably already knows" He joked. Jackie laughed. "I'll tell him to announce it tomorrow at noon". He became serious. Jackie liked that about him. 

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