Chapter 15

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September 15th

It was raining that morning. Jack and Jackie lay huddled up on the sofa. The kids were upstairs playing in the nursery. "I'm looking forward to spending Election Night here" Jackie sighed, resting her head on her husband's chest. "Me too. I don't want to leave" Jack laughed slightly. Jackie smiled. "Well, you've got a Cabinet meeting in two days" Jackie reminded him. 

"Yeah but there's a Cabinet room here" He reminded her this time. Jackie laughed. "How many homes do we have?" Jackie asked, sitting up to see her husband's face. Jack counted in his head. "Well we've got the White House" Jack said, thinking out loud. "And Camp David. We had Glen Ora but we stopped renting it. We've got Wexford, Oak Spring Farm-" Jack was interrupted by Jackie. 

"You can just say here" She joked. Jack laughed. "We've also got the Cape and then we're welcome at Hammersmith Farm too". Jackie sighed. 

"That might not be the case. Lee might have blabbed the whole anniversary dinner to mum" Jackie resumed her former position of resting her head on her husband's chest. They felt around for each other's hands before they finally clasped them together. 

"Well, we could always rent a home in Newport" Jack joked. Jackie of course, said no. They had just completed Oak Springs; as they liked to call it. They didn't want to be known as the Family with too many homes. 

"But remember, we might lose the White House soon" Jack said. Jackie thought. "Where will we live?" Jack asked. Jackie thought. "I thought we could keep Oak Springs and Wexford. When we lose the White House, I thought about maybe we could have an apartment in New York" Jackie suggested. Jack seemed happy with that. 

"Of course we can" Jack immediately agreed. "We'll stay here while we go house-hunting" Jack said, to which Jackie nodded. 

"If we live in New York, will we still be buried at Arlington? That's where I've got our burial plot drawn up" Jack asked. Jackie nodded. She also reminded him of the grave design she had put together. Jack had agreed on it. Patrick and Arabella would be interred next to them and there would be an eternal flame. 

For the funeral, it would be identical to Abraham Lincoln's. Jack's being a big public one, and Jackie's being a private one. Even though, they knew they had many years left together; they always prepared in case their lives took a sudden turn. 

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