Chapter 19

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September 21st

Oak Springs Farm

The First Family relaxed in the living room. Jack and Jackie sat on the plump sofa. Both of them with their nose in a book. Caroline and John lay on the floor, with a book except a colouring book. They were waiting for Pierre to make the announcement of Jackie's pregnancy to the nation. They found it funny, not being at the White House to hear it. 

The television was tuned to the reality show the Kennedys were watching before the Presidential seal came on the screen with the national anthem playing in the background. Before long, Pierre stepped up to the podium, and the First Family listened intently to the statement. 

"Good afternoon fellow Americans" Pierre started his announcement. The speech was laid right in front of him, but it was crucial he got it right. "The First Couple of the United States are delighted to announce that they are expecting their third child. The First Family request privacy at this special time and they wish to announce that the First Lady will not appear at engagements until further noticed. Thank you". 

Pierre finished before stepping away. After several more seconds, the reality show continued from where it left off. The First Couple ignored it and decided to talk while watching their children colour in. 

Suddenly the phone rang. Jack; assisted by Jackie, headed over to it and answered. "Hello?" Jack asked. It was Bobby. 

"Bro! Is it true?" He bellowed. Jack steppped back from the receiver. "Woah Bobby. Calm it" Jack said. Instantly Jackie and the kids' heads whipped around, expecting such a reaction from their beloved Bobby. 

"And yes it's true" Jack laughed. Bobby fell silent. "Congrats bro!" Bobby once again bellowed down the line. Jack laughed. "So, have you decided on any names? Due date? Anything?!" Bobby laughed as he shouted this time. Jack shook his head as he explained Jackie was only a month along. There wouldn't be any news for a while. 

But Bobby had other news too. "Oh Jack, have you seen the latest cover for the magazines?" Bobby asked. Jack was curious. He stated he hadn't but Bobby insisted he see it immediately. Eventually Jack and Jackie found themselves, staring at the cover of a Washington celebrity magazine.

It showed a photograph of Jack kissing his wife's cheek as their car left the hospital. It was obviously snapped through the back window. Both of them were mortified but secretly loved it. "At least everyone can see I love you" Jack reminded his wife. Jackie nodded. "Definetly" she smiled, before kissing her husband. "Definetly". 

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