Chapter 13

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September 13th

The next morning, (after a passionate evening with Jack), Jackie arrived at Lee and Stas's cottage. She knew Stas wouldn't be in. It could give her and Lee some sisterly time. Stas was out with Jack and other men playing golf at the nearby country club. 

Upon entering, Jackie called out for her sister. "Lee?" She called. "Lee?". There was no reply. Jackie checked downstairs before finding her sibling's bedroom door open. Jackie poked her head in. Lee sat on the edge of the bed. On her face, she was wearing a look of horror and disappointment. Jackie noticed the discarded phone. 

The receiver swung with the cable, off the bedside table. "Lee?" Jackie bent down and sat next to her sister. "Lee what is it?". Lee glared at her sister. "It was Ari" Lee shook, as the words rolled out her mouth. Jackie knew this would lead to a large argument but she asked Lee to continue. 

"He phoned me. He said that the relationship is over". Lee dissolved into tears. Jackie embraced her sister. "Listen Lee. Every girl goes through a heartbreak" Jackie tried to comfort her sobbing sister. "Jack's broken my heart before". 

Lee looked up at her. "But you got it sorted. You and Jack are living your fairytale!" Lee shouted. Jackie knew something was wrong. "Lee. You're hiding something. Tell me" Jackie demanded an answer. Lee was scared to give it to her. "Well, he told me why it's over" Lee tried away the tears that were sinking into her skin. 

"Well?" Jackie asked. 

Lee shook her head. "I hate saying this but-". Lee began to stammer. Jackie began to get impatient. "Lee just tell me!". 

Lee shouted out the reason. "Ari told me, he loves you and wants to sleep with you!". 

Jackie gasped. She looked around. She did not expect that in the slightest. "Lee..." Jackie hesitated. How could she respond. 

"Lee, you get on the phone to that..." Jackie stammered. Overwhelmed with shock, she thought up what she could call Ari. She wouldn't address him as Ari or Mr Onassis anymore. He was more than that. He was a womanizer. She wouldn't cheat on Jack for someone like him. Even if he had a lot of privacy, lots of money and a boat. Jack had all those things too!

"You get on the phone to that coureur de jupons and tell him that, the First Lady will never feel the same way. She will never return on his motorboat for a cruise and she'll never see him again!" Jackie stormed out the room, slamming the door. She then burst back in. "And tell him, I also won't be bought, by those Euro printing companies he owns!". 

Lee called back: "Sure thing!". Lee got on the phone as she heard the front door close. 

Back at the primary residence, Jack found Jackie in an emotional state. "Kid, you need to tell me" Jack wrapped his arm around his wife. She sobbed heavily. "Lee said-" Jackie was interrupted by more tears as they came flooding out. "That Ari loved me and wanted to sleep me" Jackie sobbed. Jack was shocked by what he had just heard but he stayed strong. 

"Oh kid" Jack embraced his wife. They passionately kissed. "I'll never leave you Jack". Jackie continued to sob. Their hands held, Jackie remained in her husband's arms. 

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