Chapter 4: New members

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Lets hope I never meet Sleipnir and get him as a familiar." Y/n said with a smile, the trio split the money they gathered and soon the two girls left to their dorm. Y/n walked through the empty building, taking another look in every room. One room in particular chaught his attention. On the top level, one of the 6 rooms was bigger and had a second room attached to it. If Y/n had to guess, this once was the guildmasters office with their private bedroom. The other 5 rooms all looked similar in shape and size, making Y/n dicide that these are going to be the bedrooms, each one fitting 4 beds with ease and still offer enough space for other pieces of furniture. On the bottom level Y/n decided they are going to put in a wall seperating the entrance area into two rooms, one will be the new entrance area while the other could be used as a dinning room. While planning these construction works Y/n noticed a door he seemed to have overlooked before. Opening it he found a set of stairs leading down, probably into a cellar. Without a source of light he decided to not go down and have a look. 

A draft of wind shook him out of his thoughts as he looked towards its source, the broken windows and on the upper level the holes in the roof. Sighing Y/n got his belongings, placed them in his new office and than started getting to work boarding up the windows with timber he got from the forest behind the guild hall. Luckily the previous owners had a small wooden shed where they stoared some tools. Most of them long fell victim to rust but all he needed was a decently sharp axe and a saw, which much to his amazement he both found and were still in not to bad condition.

Yang and her sister woke up early and quickly got ready and made their way to their guildhall. They were excited to go farming with Y/n again and happily chatted on the way there. As they closed on the guildhall the sound of hammering pierced their ears. Confused they looked for the source of the sounds until their gaze stopped on a topless Y/n, who was currently nailing one of the holes shut. Once finished he swiped away the sweat on his forehead and grabbed the next board, beginning to plug the next hole. The two sisters watched from a far until Yang had enough of watching.

Yang: "Hey Y/N!" she shouted and Y/n looked towards her. While he was distracted he missed the nail and hit his finger making him yelp in pain and finally getting him out of his working stupor. Ruby and Yang watched confused as Y/n looked around confused and almost shocked.

Ruby: "You ok there?!" she shouted concerned.

Y/n: "Y-yeah, let me get down then we can talk!" Y/n walked off towards the back of roof and not a minute later the door to the guildhall opened for Yang and Ruby to enter. Once they entered they noticed the windows were mostly boarded up, preventing most of the winds to enter the building. Second thing they noticed was how tired Y/n looked.

Ruby: "Are you ok? You look tired." Y/n rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Y/n: "To be honest I have no idea what happened, after you left I started working on plugging up the holes in the roof and boarding up the windows, next thing I know is you guys shouting for me and it was already dawn." Y/n explained with an ocasional yawn interrupting him before he continued retelling what happened.

Yang: "Sounds like you pulled an involuntary all-nighter. How about you go and take a nap while me and Ruby get started on getting some furniture?"

Ruby: "Yeah Boss." Y/n rose an eyebrow at his new title.

Y/n: "Why 'boss'?" Ruby gained a small blush and looked away.

Ruby: "Well you see... You are our Guildmaster. And calling you Master sounded wierd. So I chose Boss." Y/n rubbed his eyes before walking towards the stairs.

Y/n: "Im too tired for this. Leave the furniture shoping for once I am awake. If you want maybe try to find some new members." Y/n walked up the stairs leaving Ruby and Yang behind.

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