Her Promise to Harry

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Today's date was February 1st, also known as Harold's birthday! I was still pregnant, and you could clearly see that. I had to keep sitting down and resting, I couldn't stand for long. Just 2 more months of this. I knew I could do it, I've done it once before already. But I wasn't this big with Jake. Jake could now talk in complete sentences, kind of. He mumbles a bit, but he gets that from his father. I love Jake's accent, too. It's British with a bit of country, I mean, it's seriously the cutest thing in the world. Every day Jake would wake up and as if Darcy was here yet. Just like today, Harry woke up and got him out of bed and brought him down stairs. I was making him dinosaur pancakes. They're his favorite. He walked up to me this morning and "Muma." he hugged my leg. I looked down at him and smiled and picked him up. "What baby?" I asked and kissed his little cheeks. He reached down and put his little hand on my tummy. "She here yet?" I shook my head and frowned "Not yet, buddy. But soon." I pushed his blond bangs out of his pretty green eyes. "How much longer does she have to stay inside you for?" I giggled and replied with, "2 more months."
"Muma, what if she don't want me as her big brother?" I frowned again at him. "Why do you say that, bub? She will. You're gonna be a good big brother. She's gonna look up to you." He looked up at me "Really? She will?" I nodded and smiled. "Yep. You gotta promise me and daddy that you'll protect her, too. Make sure all the boys stay away from her." I joked and he nodded. "Promise."
"Pinky swear?" I asked and held out my pinky. He smiled and intertwined his pinky with mine. "Swear." I giggled and put him down. "Alright, bub...." I grabbed the pancakes and handed them. "Go eat. We gotta a big day today." I smiled.


Harry insisted on having the party at home. I told him he could go out with the boys, but he didn't want to. Gemma and Anne came over to help me. I couldn't stay on my feet and sat back down in the seat. I held on my stomach and sighed and looked down at it and rubbed it. "You're killing mama, baby." I tilted my head back. I was miserable right now, I was so uncomfortable. Harry came downstairs putting on his watch. As he went down the last step he smiled at me and walked over to me. "Look at you. I love the way you look, baby. Pregnant and all." I shook my head and didn't smile. "Baby, just don't..." I struggled getting up out of the chair. Harry held out his hand and I grabbed it. When I was out of it, he pulled me closer and held on to my belly and smiled. I felt her start kicking and I smiled. "She always kicks when you touch me." I said grabbing on to his arms and stroked them. He looked up at me and frowned "She does?" I think he took that as she kicked him away. I shook my head and giggled "No, baby. It's a good feeling, it's like she feels your touch and already loves you." I smiled and looked into his green eyes. His frown turned into a smile and his eyes grew brighter. "we're gonna have two perfect kids, both made from true and slow love. The way it should be." he pulled me  closer and held me tightly against him. Well, kind of. My stomach was in the way. He then kissed me and smiled, his hands then were in my hair. "You looked beautiful, baby. I promise." he convinced me. I smiled and nodded "Thank you, baby." I looked over at his mama and Gemma smiling at us, as if it was a scene from a movie. I smiled and looked back over at him "I better get back to work." I said and he released me from his hold.


3 hours passed and I had finished the decorations with Anne and Gemma. Next, I had to dress Jake for the party. He was going to be wearing all Burberry. The shirt was the plaid Burberry design and the the pants would roll up at the bottom and had the same design as the shirt at the bottom of the pant leg. Then the shoes were also Burberry. He told me he'd wear it and be careful. I trusted him. After that, Jake went in his room and played with his toys as I got in the shower and got ready. I wore a cute Gucci dress, it fit me perfectly. I just wore my hair down. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my self. I wasn't sure about it, though. I sighed and frowned at myself. Harry walked in and I saw him in the background and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. "Whoa." he said checking me out. I turned around quickly, "Please tell me it looks okay..." I was scared I couldn't pull it off. He shook his head and still checked me out. "Baby, you look- oh my god...." he moved in closer to me and held on to my waist. "If you weren't pregnant right now, I'd say, 'let's make another right now.'" I smiled and giggled. He was already dressed. He was just in a black button up Gucci dress shirt. "You look pretty hot, too, baby." I said stroking his arm and smiling up at him. He shrugged "Yeah, I guess I look alright." he chuckled.


People started arriving at the house and almost everyone was wearing a designer of someone. I chatted with the girls as Harry chatted with the boys. They all were talking about Darcy and congratulating me and Harry on our second child. "You guys are such an attractive family." Eleanor said. I smiled and took a sip of my water and shrugged. I mean, I guess you could say that. "Totally! You guys are so cute together." Danielle said. I smiled again and replied with "Thank you." I had to agree on that one, we were pretty darn cute together. "And Jake is getting so big. He looks so much like Harry everyday." I looked over and saw Jacob playing with the other kids and laughing along with them. I smiled and looked back over as Perrie began to say something "I love the little Burberry outfit he's wearing, too. So cute!" she said. I giggled "Thank you. I picked it out." I smiled and took another sip of my water.
I then heard Harry's voice on a mic, I quickly turned around trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Harry was standing on a picnic table and asking for everyone's attention. "What is he doing?" Eleanor asked me. I shrugged, he never told me about this. "My beautiful wife right there..." he pointed me out in front of everyone and everyone looked. I felt kind of awkward, I waved at everyone from where I stood. "She's having my second beautiful baby, Darcy. And for that, I want her  to know how much I appreciate about giving me two beautiful babies." Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn all got on stage and stood next to Harry. I heard music begin and from the sound of it, it sounded like 'You're Having My Baby' The Glee version by Cory Monteith. He knew it was one of my favorite Glee songs, because I would sing it in the mornings when I was pregnant with Jacob.
Harry stared at me as he began,

"Having my baby, what a lovely way of saying how much you love me.
You're having my baby, what a lovely way of saying what you're thinking of me.
I can see it, your face is glowing. I can see it in your eyes. I'm happy known' that you're having my baby. You're the woman I love and I love what it's doin' to you..." I smiled as he sang to me, it was like everyone else was not here right now.
"You're having my baby. You're a woman in love and I love what's goin' through you. The need inside you, I see it showin', oh, the seed inside you, baby do you feel it growin'? Are you happy in knowin' that you're having my baby?
You're a woman in love and I love what it's doin' to you. You're having my baby, you're a woman in love and I love what's goin' through you. Didn't have to keep it, wouldn't put you through it. You could have swept it from your life, but you wouldn't do it, no you wouldn't do it. And you're having my baby. You're the woman I love and I love what it's doin' to you. And you're having my baby, you're a woman in love and I love what's goin'  thorough ya, yeah you're having my baby."

I was already crying as I ran on stage and hugged him in front of everyone. He seriously just turned my whole day around and I can't believe how could I felt. I kissed him and it seemed endless, but he deserved it after that.


Later on that day after everyone left, we cleaned up and put Jake down for the night, I laid in bed waiting for Harry to get out of the shower. I smiled as I laid there thinking of him singing to me again. I was the luckiest girl in the world, most guys wouldn't do that for their wife, and especially on THEIR birthday, that was Harry's day and he did that. He wasn't at all selfish, he used to be when we first met. But he's grown so much since then.
He finally got out and I laid there as he walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked over at me and smiled as he saw me staring at him. "Drop it." I joked. He walked over to me and sat on the bed "Someone feeling naughty?" He asked. I nodded. "Maybe I want to give you some birthday sex." I smirked as I rested on my elbows. He raised his eyebrows and smiled back. "I mean, if you don't want to, because I;m pregnant-" he nodded "I want to." I smiled and he removed the towel from his waist and showed me. I bit my lip and smiled as I stared at it.


Afterwards, I laid in bed with Harry when he got a text. He read it and then put it back down without responding. "Who was that?" I asked. "Liam" he replied putting his arm back around me. "What did he want?" I asked. "He just wants to go drinking tonight for my birthday." I leaned up and looked at him, I didn't want him to think he had to stay with me on his birthday. "Baby, if you want to go, go. I'll be okay." I smiled. He also leaned up and leaned into me. "I don't want to. I want to stay here with you and my beautiful babies." he smiled. He'd rather stay with his pregnant hormonal wife, than go drinking with his friends with strippers. Like I said before, I was the luckiest girl ever.
I leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips and we laid back down and soon fell asleep in eachother's arms.

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