One Down

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It was now Monday morning.
Yesterday Harry proposed to me.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. He was so sweet, I still want to cry just by thinking of it.
The whole panicking part of it hasn't hit me, I've heard it hits girls pretty hard sometimes. I think I will be able to handle it happens.

I finally got out of bed and began to turn what was a mess into something halfway decent looking.
I put on my light blue Abercrombie tank top and put my light pink shirt over it. I wore my skinny jeans and wore my white moccasins boots over them. I wore my long heart necklace and the bracelet that went with it.
I put on my white beanie and walked down stairs.

I was surprised to see Harry sitting at the table ready to go. It was early.

"Harry, what are you doing up, babe?" I asked as I walked over and walked into his arms.
He wrapped me up and hugged me. "I want to take you out to breakfast." He smiled.

Gah, whatta sweetie.

"Okay." I smiled.

We heard our parents bedroom door open.
I looked up at Harry as I stepped out of his arms.

"Ring." Harry said.
I looked down and took it off. "Right." I shoved  it into my pocket.

Anne walked down.

"Mum, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on your way to work by now." Harry said.
"I slept in. I'm going now." She said grabbing a apple off the counter where the other fruit sat in a bowl.
"Bye guys, have a good day. I love you both." She said kissing our foreheads.

I sure hope she doesn't hate me after tonight. Harry and I had planned on telling her tonight.
Yes, my nerves were shot. I knew Harry's were, too.


Harry and I arrived at school.

When we walked in, we saw Jade staring us down.
I nudged Harry's arm to get his attention, once I got it, I pointed over at her.
"What's her problem?" Harry asked me.
I shrugged. "She just wants you." I replied.

Jade could do whatever she wanted, she could beat the living crap out of me and send all the nasty texts she wanted, I wasn't leaving my boyfriend...or fiance. Well, she didn't know that much yet.
Plus, Harry didn't want her anyway. She didn't respect herself or anyone else for that matter.
She was a piece of garbage, honestly.


Later that day in 4th period, I saw Gary.

"Hey" He smiled.
"Oh, hey. How are you?" I asked him smiling back.
"Pretty good."
I nodded. "Great to hear." I replied.
"How are you?"
Prefect. How could I not be?
"Hunky Dory." I said with a big smile.
"Excuse me?" He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. "It means I'm great. You wouldn't last 1 second in Mooresville." I giggled.
"I agree." He said.
I continued to read through the chapter we were assigned with questions about it.  "Do you get this?" He asked.
I nodded. "You don't?"
"Not really."
"Just read through it. The answers are there."
I hated when people said they didn't know the answer. It's in front of your face, just read it.
It's not rocket science.

Minutes later he started talking again.
"Whoa. Where did you get that ring?" He asked.
I covered my hand.
"It's a...promise ring." I blurted out.
I had to think of something fast.
"Promise ring?! I didn't even know you were dating. Who is it?"

Uh oh.
"Uhhhhum. You don't know him...he's- he's-"
"Not from here?"
"Okay?" I replied.
I'll go with it.
"Where is he from?" He asked.
Ugh. Shut the heck up, fool!
"He is from- you know, he's from-"
He looked down at the ring again.
"Then how did you get the ring if he doesn't live here?" He asked.
Okay, that's it.
"What's with all the questions? I mean..." I was aggravated.

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