Mixed Signals

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Mixed Signals

Tonight I was downstairs watching Desperate Housewives. Harry came downstairs and got some food. I just tried to ignore him.

"Ugh," Harry said looking at the TV. "You're such a girl." I turned the TV up louder. "Go away." I said. I was just hoping he'd go away. Instead, he came over and sat down. "Give me the remote." He demanded and I didn't listen. "Reneè!?" He leaned over and tried to grab it. "Stop!" I yelled. "You have a tv upstairs! Go watch your dumb shows up there!" He grunted and leaned back. "I can't believe there is another girl living in this house." I rolled my eyes "Boo hoo!"

We sat in silence for a few. Our parents were out and having a date night. We have been by ourselves for about an hour now.

I picked up my phone. I had a text from Ian. I started texting him back. "Who are you texting?" Harry asked. "Gary?" I looked over at him with wide eyes. "How did you know about Gary?" Harry laughed as in to say "Do you really think I'm an idiot?" In that situation, I would say, "Yes, yes you are!"

"I saw you at lunch talking and laughing at him." He said. "Honestly, the kid  real tool." "Why do you even care?" I asked.

What was the big deal? Gary was super cute. Was Harry a little jealous? Surely not.

"I don't care. You just looked desperate." He replied. "UGH!" I got up and threw the remote at him. "Watch what you want." I stepped over his feet that were up on a stool. "You're so annoying. I don't even want to be around you anymore." I made my way to the stairs and was about to go up to my room.

"Renee?" Harry sighed and got up. I turned around and sighed also. "Come here." He asked me and I stood frozen in place. He looked at me and those green eyes were looking right through me. He was giving me this sexy look. "Wha-...What?" I choked on the words. "Come here." He repeated. I moved my feet, but they seemed to be heavy. I couldn't believe he was actually making me weak in the knees.

I made it over to Harry, but it seemed like it took forever. Time seemed to slow down.

"I cn show you a real man." He said as he grabbed me and threw me on the couch. "Harry?" I was so confused. "Shush." He leaned in and kissed me. The chains around his neck were dangling over my chest. They barely touched my skin and sent chills through my body. Harry deepened the kiss. I tried to pull away, but I couldn't. My blood was running so hot. It felt so right to kiss him, but it was wrong.

I let out a moan. He was driving me crazy, butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. He wouldn't take his lips off of mine. It was like he was trying to suffocate me.

I finally pulled away enough to whimper Harry's name. "Reneè, shut up." He huffed. He was so demanding and I loved it. "Harry, I'm a virgin." I blurted out. Harry looked at me and let out a laugh.

Was he making fun of me? What was so funny about that? "What?!" "Reneè, I'm not going to have sex with you." I felt my stomach drop. "Oh..." Harry grabbed my face. "You're fucking beautiful though. How hasn't anyone done it yet." He let go and got up. I was speechless, he thinks I'm beautiful? What? Oh my god.

Harry stopped at the bottom step, looked back and smiled. I bit my lip. I didn't say anything to him. "Was that good for you?" He asked in a cheeky way. "Uh, I mean...I..." I stuttered.

Come on, Reneè. You've been kissed before, you're acting like he was your first kiss. "Cause I've had better." He said smirking.

I rolled my eyes. I got up and walked over to him. I may have to put on some new underwear. Why would he just leave me all hot and bothered? Harry was leaned up against the stairway rail and I walked up the first step and looked him right in the eyes. "I thought I'd throw up if I'd kiss you. I didn't." I smiled and turned to walk away. "So you've thought about kissing me?" I stopped and I didn't turn around. Even though I couldn't see him, I knew that cheeky grin was on his face. I closed my eyes and sighed. I kept walking.

What a jerk.

I walked into my room and shut the door. Kissing Harry was something different. It was like I was meant to kiss him. I don't even know if that makes sense, but that's how it felt. It felt right, it felt...good.

Lord help me. I thought.

I couldn't fall for Harry, he...he was Harry. He was my future step brother. What would my dad think? What would Anne think? What would the kids at school think?

Did he like me? Or was it a heat of the moment thing? He said I was beautiful. We almost had sex until I ruined it by opening my mouth.

I face planted in my bed. I let out a dramatic scream in my pillow. I have never had boy problems before, this was the first time. This is a time when I needed a mother.

My Step BrotherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora