Love Like Johnny & June

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Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the book so far. I love you all that have commented and became a fan of me! I love that you share your love for my book! You make me smile and feel good! Thank you so much! But I am here to say that, once again, I will be using another song. I still can't write my own. Lol xD So, the song I will be using is "Always" by Blink182. And will be using another one in the next. :)
- Rene'e (:

I woke up the next morning next to my husband and smiled as I saw his curls covering his face and the sun hitting his face at a perfect angle. I gently moved his curls out of his face and smiled bigger as I watched his eyes flutter as he was dreaming. I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder and grabbed his arm and wrapped it around me making sure I wasn't going to wake him form it. I held onto his hand and smiled as I was looking up at the ceiling and thinking about how much I missed this, it was only like, a day, but it still sucked. I missed his touch and the way it made me feel when he did. I snuggled into him and closed my eyes taking in the left over smell of his cologne. It was the one I bought him at the mall not too long ago, it was by Burberry and it was called 'Brit'. It smelt so good, and I wanted to pounce on him every time he wore it. I smiled and looked up at him when I got an idea, I leaned into his chest and kissed it gently. I then stuck out my tongue as I left wet spots behind. Harry moaned a bit in his sleep and I looked up, he wasn't waking up. I giggled quietly as he moved a bit and turned his head to the other side of his pillow. Before I leaned back down to continue, I grabbed my hair and pushed it the the other side so it wasn't in my face anymore. I leaned back down and gently sucked on his nipple and licked it slowly. His body shook and he moaned once more. i was teasing him, even in his sleep. I think I have a talent here. I continued to do it with the other nipple. I then moved up to his lips and gently licked his bottom lip and then clasped it with my teeth and pulled gently, I let go instantly when he started talking. "Mmm...Rene'e..." he said softly and smiled. I covered my mouth and hid my laughter. He was dreaming about me in his lips. I'm assuming I was doing the things I was doing right now. My hands flew up and my fingers tangled in his curls and I pulled. He sucked in some air and breathed out with pleasure. He squirmed and I could tell he was about to wake up. I quickly rolled over and laid back on my side and acted like I've been asleep.
   I looked up at him and smiled when he woke up. "Morning baby." I said in a sweet tone. He looked over and gave me a sleepy smile. "You're still here." he said and he sounded relived. I nodded and hugged my pillow "I am. Why the hell would I leave, baby?" He shrugged and then chuckled "I don't know, still trying to figure out why you left the first time." He ruffled his fingers in his hair and looked back at me and raised his eyebrows. I leaned up and sat on my knees and looked right in his green eyes. "We're meant to be. Remember when we first started seeing each other, and we didn't know if it was right or wrong to be together?" He nodded and looked at me right in the eyes. "I didn't leave then and I'm not going to leave now...things were just confusing the other day.  I saw her and lost it. I'm sorry I left and walked away from you, I will never do that again, baby. Our love is so rare, I mean, no body loves like this anymore. We're like Johnny Cash and June Carter in  a way." Harry smiled and then chuckled. I smiled at him "What's so funny?" I asked. "We are if you think about it. We're on stage with each other sometimes, we're walking the line until the end of time." I smiled and then looked away. That was a good line for a song. I looked back at Harry and smiled. He gave me a look, "What are you doing?" He asked. I shook my head "Nothing, baby." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I think I had an idea for a new song.


Harry eventually got in the shower and I stayed in bed for a little while longer. Harry walked back in and got dressed. I woke up and saw him fixing his hair. "Hey babe," Harry said from the mirror in the bathroom. I stretched and yawned "What?" He laughed and then turned around. "Who am I?" His hair was styled into a quiff and he was wearing a cut off t shirt and skinny jeans with brown boots. He then started mocking, 'Oh, I'm the pretty boy from America and I think I can make girls cream themselves just by looking at them..." I smiled and shook my head "You're an idiot." I joked. Harry ruffled his hair and his curls came back to place. I leaned up and watched him as he turned back around "Oh, I forgot to tell you something. I was going to tell you last night, but we got caught up in that hot, hot love session...." I looked up and saw his cheeky smile on his face. I shook my head and laughed "What was that?" He grabbed his guitar and sat on the bed, I was watching his every move. He looked over at me setting his guitar and getting it ready. "I wrote you a song." No one has ever written me a song before! I was so happy that he did! "Really? You're going to sing it for me?" I pulled the blankets off of me and stood on the bed about to get off "Well, let me change. I don't want to have my hair in a messy bun and be in my panties and your shirt..." I felt him grab my wrist and hold me back. "No, stay here. Just like that, I like you just like that, baby. I'm going to remember this moment just as you are right now." He said sitting me back down on the bed. He turned around a bit more and smiled "I wrote this for you when you left, I wasn't sure if you'd come back or not, so I wrote all I wanted to tell you on a piece of paper and send it to you, but it turned into a song...somehow, but anyways and I titled it 'Always'." He smiled and then started to play.

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