Two is Better Than One

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This weekend was Jake's 1st birthday party and everything HAD to be PERFECT! I had made dinner the night before for Harry and I, while Jake had a tuna fish sandwich. I had made us grilled chicken breasts with sauteed bok choy and cucumber dressed with apple cider, vinegar and toasted sesame seeds. It was mine and Harry's absolute favorite.
We sat down together and ate. Harry and I were discussing the party we were throwing Jake tomorrow. "So, is your dad coming tomorrow? Have you talked to him?" I asked Harry. We weren't sure if he was coming or not, because he said he wasn't sure what he was doing on that day. Harry nodded and looked up from his food "Yup, he is coming. I just spoke to him not too long ago." I smiled and clapped. "Yay" I looked over at Jake and smiled bigger. "I just want everyone here for his first birthday." I then realized that everyone would be there, except daddy and I frowned as I thought about daddy not being here for his first grandsons birthday. "I just wish daddy would be there, too." I said looking at my food and playing with the cucumber with my fork. "He will be, baby." Harry said. I looked up at him with teary eyes. "What?" Harry smiled at me "He'll be watching from heaven." I smiled through my tears and wiped them away. Harry was the sweetest person I knew. "Gosh, baby..." I said as I wiped more tears away from my eyes. Harry smiled then wiped his mouth and looked over at Jake. "Hey, buddy. Did you learn a new dance today?"
"Yes.." Jake nodded. Harry smiled and looked at me and then back at Jake. He only knew basic words, like, 'No' or 'bye-bye', 'daddy', 'mummy', and 'yes'.
"Will you dance for mummy?" Harry took out his iPhone and played a song, it was The Caesars's 'Jerk It Out'. He started bobbing his head and clapping. I smiled as I watched him do this. Then he started getting into it, he started shaking and started going insane in his high chair. My hand covered my mouth and I couldn't help but laugh. I looked over at Harry and giggled "Maybe he should do that tomorrow. It's cute." I think Harry did that just to cheer me up. If it was, it worked. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Harry got up as he laughed. "Maybe I will." he walked over with his plate in his hand "You done?" he asked me, I nodded. "Thank you, baby." I smiled. I got up and picked up Jake. "I'm gonna give him a quick bath and put him in bed. When I'm done, I will help you clean up down here." Harry turned around with the plates in his hands and smiled "Alright, love." and he walked in the kitchen.


Jake was now clean and ready for bed. I gave him his pacifier and put him in his crib, I watched as he slowly shut his little green eyes and drifted off. He kept making sure I was still there before he finally let himself fall asleep. He kept mumbling, "mama" as his little hand wrapped around my finger. I couldn't believe he was already going to be 1 tomorrow, it was crazy how much my little guy has grown. I couldn't even imagine that one day he was going to be trying out for football or baseball. Or getting asked to a prom. I smiled and felt a tear sting my eye. I made sure he was finally asleep before I left.
I walked downstairs and heard "Two Is Better Than One" playing on Harry's iHome. I walked in smiling as I heard him singing the guy part. "The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste. You make it hard for breathing." He sang and I smiled as Taylor's part came on, I began to sing, "'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away, I think of you and everything's okay. I'm finally now believing..." Harry turned around as he heard me sing from behind me. He smiled as we both began singing together, "That maybe it's true, that I can't live without you. And maybe two is better than one. But there's so much time to figure out the rest of my life. And you've already got me coming undone, and I'm thinking two is better than one." Harry continued to smile as I walked over and gave him a hug. The place where I felt the safest in. I looked up at him, his eyes were bright and his voice was raspy, but at the same time so soft as he sang, "I remember what you wore on the first day, you came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"" hearing him sing that brought back the memory of the first day I met him. It seemed like it was just yesterday when I saw him.I nuzzled my face into his neck and kissed it gently. He then kissed my head and we started to do the dishes together.
I handed him a plate for him to rinse off. When he went to grab it, he accidentally sprayed the water on me. "Harry..." I giggled as I soaped up the sponge and then ran it under water. I stood on my tip toes and squeezed the sponge over his head and laughed. Water and soap dripped down off his head as he stood there. He raised his eyebrows and then smiled "Nice one, babe. But you're not getting away with that. He then grabbed some bubbles from the sink and wiped it on my lips to my cheek. I watched as he grabbed the sprayer and my eyes widened, "No!" I said and ran away giggling. Harry still sprayed me and I grabbed the sponge and started squeezing and hitting him with water. I looked down at Harry and noticed his stomach was showing through his shirt. I stopped and he did, too. He looked down where my eyes had been. He looked up and smiled "Oh, you like what you see?" he asked chucking. I nodded and looked at him and bit my lip. He raised his eyebrows and leaned in to kiss me. "You're so beautiful when you're wet, you know?" I giggled as I kissed him again.


Today was the day of Jake's 1st birthday. He woke up and I dressed him up in his little suit I got him just for his birthday, he looked so cute. I took him downstairs and gave him to Harry. I had to get ready to for the party and take a shower. I had to make sure Harry didn't let Jake get dirty. I had to make him feed him so he didn't. I washed my hair and shaved my legs. I got out and put on my ripped flare jeans, I found my white tank top, then my green and white striped top and found my brown moccasins and put them all on. I curled my hair and put on make up.
I walked down stairs and checked to make sure Jake was still clean, and he was, Thank god! I sighed with relief. Harry then took a shower. I let Jake play with his toys while I waited for everyone to get here.
About 10 minutes later Louis and Eleanor showed up. When I opened the door Harry came down in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black v neck. Louis and him sat in the living room as I prepared the drinks and snacks in the kitchen with Eleanor. More and more people showed up. I was so happy that everyone showed up for my baby's big day. I had Harry video tape everyone at his party and had them say something about him and when he's 18, Harry and I will give it to him.
Jake got a lot of stuff for his 1st birthday and when the party ended, Jake looked like he was about to pass out. I carried him to his room and changed him. I put him in his bed and he instantly fell asleep when his head hit the pillow.
I walked downstairs and Harry was setting up the camera on the counter. "What are you doing, baby?" I asked. Harry looked back and smiled "We gotta tape us now." I gave him a funny look and he chuckled. "For Jake's birthday."
"Oh, right." I giggled and ran down the stairs. I stood by Harry and waited for him to start.
Harry waved at the camera and smiled "Hey, bud. Well, you're in bed right now, you were pretty tired from your party."I smiled and nodded. "I can't believe you're already 1, but by the time you watch this, you're going to be 18...." I felt a tear hit my eye as I thought about it. "I'm sorry." I turned my face behind Harry's arm and cried. I tried pulling myself together. Harry chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Your mum is such a girl. But, anyways...we love you, bub and no matter where you go, what you do in life, you know mummy and daddy will be there for you. We're on your side no matter what. We love you more than anything. You're what made us a family." Harry walked over to the camera and turned it off, but before he did, he said something else. "Happy 18th birthday, bub. We love you." He said and turned it off.


Before bed, I went to the bathroom and made sure Harry wouldn't come in. I opened the bottom drawers under the sink and pulled out a box. It was a pregnancy test...I used it and waited for the results. I anxiously waited for them. I was pretty sure I was pregnant, it wasn't planned and it happened the night Harry and I got back together. The results came in and I looked at it and my eyes widened and my hand covered my mouth as I smiled.

I was pregnant again.

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