Epilogue: Leon

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"I'm here. Sorry for the wait." Luke half assed a smile before sitting down. I noticed the bags under his eyes and tried to ignore it. Before I could say anything he put his head down and sighed before raising his head again. "What?" He asked looking just awful.

"Luke, are you sure you're okay? You look so tired. I can't help but to feel like you pushed yourself too hard again." I could see right through him. The dirt smeared on his cheek with cheap bathroom hand soap and sloppily combed hair alongside his messy suit said it all. "You are concerned about something, so concerned that you pushed yourself to the limit to try and prevent."

Luke just put his hands up in a "I surrender" position an smiled. "Okay okay Leon. You got me. I trained all night instead of sleeping. But, that's to reassure myself that I'm strong enough to protect you." I rolled my eyes at that statement and he laughed. "I'm exhausted either way." Luke continued to laugh. "Well, if it's not too much trouble I'd like to skip dinner and head to your place."

I felt my cheeks warm up as he said that. "Oh, okay." With a small nod I stood up and followed him out. "I hope Dean isn't home." I smiled nervously, unable to collect my thoughts. He was just able to hit the right spot with me.

Now at my place. Luke had laid down on the couch and fell asleep with his head on my lap. "Well..." Softly rubbed his back as he slept peacefully. "You really were tired. Well, sweet dreams Luke. I'll see you when you wake up."

Book one end. (For real this time.)

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