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I started looking around my surroundings and all I see is an endless field. So much grass. Where am I? I could've sworn I was with Leon.

Anyways I need to get out of here. I started walking away to try and find where everyone is but...there isn't anyone aside from the random bunny I've seen every now and then.

I'm tired of walking. I might as well sit. I sat down and the bunny hopped on to my lap. "Oh, you're back. Where are we little guy?" I pat the bunny's head and it curled into my hand enjoying itself.

"I may have to go soon little one." I said. I knew I had to leave.

Soon I picked it up, and it transformed into a knife. My reaction I'm a bit unsure of. My arm absorbed it and it was a part of me now.

"Red? Have you come to yet?" Lina's voice was heard. She's alive?! Thoughts rushed through my head. I couldn't believe she was alive. I opened my eyes to Lina, Angela, Leon and another girl with white hair and blue eyes.

"I'm good" I said as I sat up, we were in a small camp. The cot I was lying on was nice and comfy. they told me I had been out for three days. My coat was gone and so was my scarf.

"You need to rest. The bandages are barely keeping your wounds in tacked." Leon said, his face had a look of concern. My eyes widened as he said that. What did he mean by "wounds"? I got knocked out by Dean's impact.

"What wounds?" I asked with a extremely confused state of mind. My head was spinning, I didn't know what was going on anymore.

"When you were out you got caught in the heavy crossfire, if I hadn't of gotten there you would've been dead." The girl in the white hair said. She seemed to be lying but that's the only answer I had for the moment.

"I'm fine, I'll live for now" standing up, I felt a sharp pain all through my chest, hands and legs. Eventually the pain was gone. untieing my bandages, I noticed there was no noticable wounds left.

"Well, I guess you do have a healing factor..." Leon said as he handed Angela twenty dollars. They beted on it.

"Anyway, I'm going in to see how the war is going." I said while walking away. Leon called out for me but I didn't listen. Lina followed me till we reached battle ground. I didn't say anything to her before walking to see if John was still around.

"Hey, be careful!" Lina yelled out from cover. I could feel my face be forced to a smile and continued walking forward a bit more. I heard something sorta chime in the distance, then came a glow, it was a mix of heavenly and hellish at the same time. Soon after a wave of mixed divine energy came at me at max speed. It was too fast but I was able to evade, it had left a giant mark in the ground.

"Hey! Don't be leaving dents in the Earth, John." I called. Soon, John emerged from the darkness. As he came out with that devil like smile I felt my throat tighten and I started to sweat. My smile turned to a frown and all my previous confidence disappeared.

"Fight" I whispered to myself as her blade appears in my hand. What the hell, I didn't know that was a thing. John landed next to me and looked at the blade.

"A soul link?" John said, I backed off uneasy as hell. I've never been this close to someone like him before. "As I thought, you would be able to figure out how to use their work." He said before tapping me on the forehead. "Three months, that's how much time you get to master this." He said then he walked off.

I was dumbfounded, he was sparing me? I didn't know what to say. Lina and I started heading back to the camp holding my left arm with my right. I reached camp shortly after. Lina popped out of the bushes nearby with some vegetables in her hand. Looking around at the angels who were fighting in the war I saw how injured they were, I was a bit worried about what the outcome of the war will be.

"Leon!" I called out. I needed to talk him and quick. Looking over to my left I saw the girl with white hair, she was walking to me and quick. She took me by the collar demanding an explenation, as to why I didn't listen to them.

"You could've been killed and yet to come back not caring about the gravity of the situation?! You need to listen to us!!! Don't do this ever again." The angels turned their attention to us while she screams at me. I looked her dead in the eye and took her hand off of me.

"Okay, shut up!" I said before walking off to find Leon. She didn't bother me anymore after that. Looking at the nearest tent I saw Leon's silhouette, along with another person's. They seemed to be chatting.

I could hardly make out what they were saying but I heard my uncle's name, "Ryan". Then something about a "soul link"

"Leon?" They stopped and came out. Leon smacked me over the head then proceeded to chew me out. I get it, I'm inexperienced.

"Don't ever do that again Red! You may be a Nephilim but you don't have enough power to take this guy on! Next time listen to us. Luke is trying to make you a weapon that can beat him!" Leon yelled, he's so mad. Soon I have had enough and snapped back.

"Okay, I get it! I screwed up! I'm not supposed to do these things! Just stop! I hate being treated like an idiot!" I screamed it. I couldn't breathe, my lounges were filling up and releasing air rapidly to the point of me thinking I'm doing both at a time.

"Red, I'm..." Leon didn't finish because I didn't let him.

"WHAT?! SORRY?! YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE BUDDY! DON'T EVEN START TO SAY THAT YOU'RE NOT ONLY APOLOGIZING BECAUSE I'M THE NEPHILIM!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. What was I doing? What was I even saying? Why didn't I just quit?

"That's a bit harsh, don't ya think?" said a man. I looked back, I was in my own mind again. The only difference is that two girls were here. They introduced themselves as Lunny and Hate. Lunny had a bunny printed on her jacket. Soon I realized who it was.

"You should've just told him to back off" Said Hate. They seemed a bit disappointed.

"So, You have a soul link." Love said. he walked up to me and tapped me on the forehead.

"A" I asked. I couldn't wrap my head around the concept.

"You're uncle Ryan discovered it. Once he learned how to control it he tried making it to where everyone can do it, rather than just priests" Love answered, he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, his research turned to experiments, experiments turned to crimes, crimes turned to sin." Hate added. Hate walked over to me and lifted my chin before pushing me back. I landed in a classroom where Love was the teacher as he explained more.

Ryan was experimenting with with false souls. Eventually he was caught by other priests. Though he was told to stop he kept tinkering with souls. Eventually he mad souls that were infused with weapons and given names depending on what their soul looked like. Oh, I see why my soul link is called Lunny. Because of the Lunny toons.

I took in a lot from this. Lunny came and pulled me out and into the plains where I met her. She had herself in her hands and she was able to awaken it so to speak. The blade turned from a kitchen knife to a giant sword that had amazing reach. She took me being distracted as a chance to strike. I was able to defend just in time.

"That's a cheap trick, let me try." I said to lunny as I yelled her name. After that came a huge explosion in the dust was me. I held a transformed Lunny that was stronger than base lunny, ten fold.

I didn't know how. I didn't really care how. I was able to use Lunny with full control. Her abilities and strength was almost overwhelming. It took awhile but she taught me how to use her and her abilities.

-End of Chapter Five-

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