Epilogue: Luke

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I laid awake still thinking. "Was that him?" I asked myself. That man, he looked a lot like him. No way in hell he's back. I sat back up on the couch in the living room, lit up only by the static on the TV. "Only one last thing to do." With what energy I had left I went to find Shosa. After looking around the house I found her curled up behind the couch snoring lightly. "Hey, Shosa." I called kicking her softly.

She looked up to me still half asleep. With a soft yawn she responded with a half assed "what" while rubbing her eyes. I simply went to grab her coat off the hanger in the hall closet and throw it at her. "Where are we going?" She finally asked putting the coat on.

"To train. I'm afraid me and you will need it the most." The thing was, I wasn't convinced that it would make a difference in what was to come. Shosa just nodded and yawned once more. As she stood I noticed she didn't change from her day clothes. That'll save some time. "Now don't tell Kaylee but I think Kayami followed us here." Shosa woke up after I said that and nodded knowing the training would be the most important thing.

Later, I found an old field for us to begin. "Hey Luke... we'll win right?" Shosa asked holding her blade ready to begin. She was trembling and it was clear why. That's when I saw a dark force surround her neck, I shrugged it off and nodded. "That's good to know. Come on Luke, let's begin." Shosa smiled and charged at me. Her eagerness terrified me, but not because she was stronger but for a different reason.

>Epilogue Luke complete<

Who's next?

Is, Leon correct?

Good, Leon it is.

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