Chapter 7-'Great...:

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Hey, I'm Leon. I will be taking over chapter seven.

When we saw Dean get launched like a cannon with little to no effort by Red we knew what we were in for. Red gave a sharp and terrifying glare telling me that I was next while not even saying anything.

I pulled out GSL (Grand Sword of Light) in hopes to defend myself. All we heard was a shockwave the we saw Red striking me while I had my sword in front of my chest. He struck the blade hard enough to nearly break it in half, which with soul links is nearly impossible to do.

Red got drop kicked by Angela to try and help me out I guess. Soon after she realized her mistake because she took a punch that all of us could feel.

After that punch Angela couldn't let anything out until a bit later. She started screaming in agony and distress, did we forget to mention she was wearing the strongest armor we had?

A bit after she fell to the ground a black flash of power threw us all off when we noticed Dean was behind it. He had snapped. Now it's Red against Dean.

Angela managed to get out of there before the fight began. John and I were unable to process or figure out what the hell was happening.

This all happened in a span of a minute. This didn't take about thirty minutes like you would think. Nah, it was fast enough to happen in a minute or so.

Angela was still recovering from the world shattering punch, and in a way so were me and John. While the battle between the angered god-like beings kept roaring on a blast big enough to take out a mountain came at me. Without a moment of hesitation John grabbed my arm yelling "stop!"

Once I had processed what just happened I looked over to him. He could've just let me die but he didn't. he stopped time. "What did you do?" I asked. He stood straight and looked over to the two fighting slowly in the now purple area.

"It's a time warper ability I picked up on while training." He answered.

"Aren't time warpers extinct?" I asked.

"No, neither are the mirror people." John added. "Anyway, we need to get these two away from each other. If their fight continues on like this they'll go through the Earth's crust."

I nodded understanding the gravity of the situation. John took care of Red by going through all of his pressure points and hitting his mask hard enough to shatter it. I took care of Dean by kicking him in the gut hard enough to make him fly, me and John both had to kick the ball of pure rage into the air so it wouldn't hit anything.

Once John and I had finished time resumed as normal. Red fell on the ground roaring and screaming as his eyes went from black with a Red pupils to his normal white with Red pupils. Dean fell onto his back and rocked from side to side on impact.

Red tried his best to get up, then something weird happened. You can see purple streams of what seemed to be power being absorbed into his arms allowing him to stand up.  Red grabbed his head trying to process where he had been mentally. As he walked away he was instantly moving to one place to another. Was he time stopping by accident? Find out next time on-

End of chapter seven!!!

Quick message: I'm sorry this chapter is a bit short. I didn't have much planned for the Leon chapter. Maybe I can give him the spotlight another time if you guys want.

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