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Red seemed amazed at the sight. Soon interrupted by a punch by the massive John. Lukai took the hit without breaking a sweat. With a grin on Lukai's face, he planted his feet and threw John over his shoulder. John shouted in pain as the fusion kneed his elbow into breaking. Lukai was ruthless, strong and fast. This would be troublesome for John. Red realized he was being sidelined and rushed in to help.

John took advantage of this and grabbed Red with his broken arm. The arm started pulsating as it you could hear the bone reshape and mend together. Red was thrown to the ground and stomped on like Shokai was. It hurt like hell. He now knew that pain and didn't want to feel it again. Lukai wasted no time to uppercut John and spin kick him to the floor. John roared into the sky as he charged Lukai again. With the confidence of a lion Lukai took a elbow and drove it into John's nose.

"Come on. Make me try here." Lukai backflip kicked John's chin, then dropkicked him away, making a massive shockwave. Red stood up and ran next to Lukai. Red put his hands together and shot a bunch of magic balls at John, exploding on impact. The balls kept John down in a ball of smoke and fire. Lukai chuckled and raised one arm into the air. A giant ball of blue magic with rainbow like lightning arched around it. Soon it condensed itself into his hand as he threw it at John. Red was no short of amazed at the feat. John started screaming again as the ball hit. The cloud of fire and smoke rose up as the magic exploded.

That wasn't the end. John rushed out, coming back at Lukai. The sudden strike sent the fusion flying. Then came Red's turn. John punched Red in the gut and grabbed him by the face. Without much warning John slammed Red into the ground, dragging him across it, sperating the Earth's crust with Red's head. John threw Red into the air and tried his best to to strike again before being interrupted by Lukai. Lukai finally stopped smiling as he powered up. The magic in the air pulsated as Red landed on the ground. The sky became dark and holes between dimensions opened up as their power rose higher.

John erupted in a green aura as he caused the same effect in his own right. Red stood up, feeling weak. Finally he screamed not wanting to be useless. "I did not do all this to be seen as a weakling!" Red's coat flapped in the wind behind him as Red's magic started rising as well. With a uncertain result Red crushed the mask and held onto his scarf. Red's skin went dark, his eye glowed from the shadow like form he took on. They were pure red as he went silent. Red sped over to John who was preparing to fight again. Red absorbed some of the green magic, his eyes went green as his opened his mouth, screeching in an ungodly way. Red took the new power and nearly crumbled under the pressure of it.

John laughed and attacks Red instead. Red caught John's arm and looked at him, giving off a psychotic tone of voice. The young boy spread pitch black wings as his other arm morphed into a sword. The arm that caught John stabbed him. It had formed a blade on the palm of Red's hand. John shouted in pain as he quickly pulled back, only making it worse. His pinkie was hanging from the rest of John's hand, this was caused by him suddenly pulling back.

Red fell silent as the scream of pain continued. Red seemed to be in a trance if some sorta. It ended as Lukai kicked John back to the ground and stepped next to Red. "This ends...now." Lukai pointed his hands towards John. A ball of magic appeared in front of them as it grew in size. John's pinkie healed up and he broke through the magic and took a shot at Lukai.

One of the angel boys jumped into Lukai and pushed him away. John grabbed the boy's wrist and broke his arm. That wasn't the end of it. When the boy started screaming, even worse happened. John tore his arm off, elbow down. Everyone was speechless. The other angel boy came in a kicked John away to help his brother. Red was clearly angered by this and he took John away from the area. With a bit of time Red found a proper place to hold their final battle.

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