Chapter 4 It has begun

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I was on my knees, coughing as my neck tightened and loosened trying to readjust itself. My neck hurt like hell. This was a good time to get away as he slammed Dean to the ground. The dirt and grass cracked as his back was slammed into it. The dry and rock hard ground shook beneath Dean as he yelled in agony.

Leon grabbed me and ran from the battlefield. I wanted to help Dean so bad. If I did, what would've happened? Would I suffer the same pain?

Leon seemed frantic while pulling me away. The entire time I stared at John. Unable to make sense of what the hell was happening.

Everything was hard to make sense of. The man was massive and I knew I was no match for him. What can I do? What should I do? I constantly asked myself.

When Leon got me out of the area I sat down. Now all I could do was wait. Maybe these guys had a solution. Right now all I could do was hope.

With the warm summer glow hitting my face and the cool breeze cooling me off I could finally piece together what was happening one by one.

Okay here's my best explanation.

1: John is a nephilim. Something dangerous and can/will kill us all

2. John is trying to get into heaven? That will explain the nasty looked he got from these winged warriors

3. Dean and Leon are one of these guys.

4. Their nicknames that I remember that are Life (Leon) and Death (Dean) actually signify something after all

5. I'm absolutely fucked

Leon saw the visible stress on my face and came up to me, he grabbed a soda out of thin air and gave it to me. I grabbed it and stared at him.

The calm and laid back demeanor was never something Leon was good at. He was either super serious or super bubbly.

With this on knew how bad the situation was. Leon had that face that tells me he's thinking. I decided to just sit and wait for a clear instruction on what to do.

After awhile of Leon staring off into the blazing battle that roars on I decided to finally take a drink. It was sweet and easy going down. Not a very heavy drink but not too light either. Soon I felt a shift in my area as everything faded to black.

>Chapter four complete<

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