Chapter 11-Titan battle II

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Luke looked tired. I knew that if they kept at it, Luke may fall first. "No..." I said, I was worried but Leon. Leon was ready to burst.

Dean tapped Leon on the shoulder, clearly knowing what would unfold. "Don't worry, Luke will be just fine." Worry grew between the three of us. Leon has to stopped. We both knew that.

"That's the same thing you said in middle school. Was he safe? Was he?!" Leon slowly grew more enraged as the two of us try to settle him down. "HE GOT BEATEN WITHIN INCHES OF HIS LIFE BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT HE WAS SAFE!!!" Leon screamed. Tears formed in his eyes, thinking about it.

John ignored their entire conversation as he struck. The blow clearly had more effect on Luke. The trick he used, that must be why.

Seeing Luke on the floor caused Leon to explode with a much more intense power than Luke. You could see his wings shoot straight out of his back.

Without much time to grab him, he flapped his wings sending us to the ground, and him to John. Dean and I rush after him, unable to stop what will come with his anger. John briefly looked to Leon before getting a face full of rage.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The once, nice and cheerful kid has shown a more terrifying side of himself. John staggered and hovered his hands on front of his face. The pain was shown through John's expression alone.

Dean tried to grab his brother until the power hit him. The air was thin. Leon was an overwhelming warrior. It just took awhile to see.

Fear filled John's eyes as a swift knee got him in the forehead. Anyone there could sympathize with his pain. Blow after blow, John let out a silent cry for help. Those cries soon turned to agony.

John escaped Leon's rampage for only a moment. He took advantage of the time to stop it. A purple Aura surrounded John as the sky turned the same color.

Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. Nobody was moving except me and John. I looked down to my arms instinctively.

Rizen was glowing. The once red fleshy area, it was glowing purple. I csn break time stops. It's insane.

John noticed I was unphazed so he charged me. I didn't know what to do. So naturally I flinched feeling the blade entering my left arm. It hurt like hell, so I screamed. The pain was unbarable. In a blink of an eye, Leon was on the ground. Did he only stab me to deactivate my time stop?

I shot up to help Leon. The pressure of John just standing there made me fall to my knees. No chance in hell I was going to win.

"GET UP!" Said a voice. Rizen, he's going to help me. My arm stopped hurting, and the mask, that I thought was permanently stuck to my face has faded into dust.

I did as instructed, falling to my knees once more. There was a difference, I could breathe. John walked over to me, he's completely calm. So am I.

John yelled out, "READY TO DIE?!" With a sudden reaction I dodged his attack. Yellow energy, it was flowing around me. Did I take Luke's abilities?

"You didn't take any ability from Luke. He gave some to you. The for will not be accessible though. Make do with what you have on hand. Got it?" Rizen informed me with a Stern voice. Silently I said yes and charged at John. With incredible speed I managed to get behind him. This is awesome! My arms kept the yellow glow as I attacked. John had no time to react.

One Two, then dash around to deliver a second set of punches. My strategy was working. It started to hurt though. Soon I threw John over my shoulder and into the ground. He jumped back and relaxed a bit, the stress must've gotten to him.

I rushed him again but he grabbed me by the neck, lifting me in the air. Slowly I felt what power I once had slip away. He was draining me. I couldn't even feel the slightest bit of power left in me. It hurt, a lot. Is this the end. Once he completely drains me, am I done?

After my arms and legs stopped kicking I slowly felt myself slipping. Nothing left but the husk of a nephilim. I'm scared. What can I do?

{[>-Chapter 11 Complete-<]}

Red got home to his new family. The situation wasn't ideal, but it was his life. Red was greeted by his new father. Jack Ni, it was an uncle of Sherry's. Red ran upstairs to another who was taken in by him. Grace, she was cleverly given the nickname of Gracey.

Red only laid in her room when he felt sad. When he appeared in Grace's room she knew something was wrong. So she looked at the boy. "What's wrong?" Grace asked. She started playing with Red's scarf until he answered.

Red ignored her, clearly upset. He had a tendency to bit his thumb when he's emotional, this time he tore through it completely. Grace thought quickly and got a sock to wrap around his thumb.

Red sat up and showed that he was crying. Grace just got down on one knee and hugged Red.

"Me and you both..." Grace said, sympathizing with Red was easy. She knew exactly what he was going through.

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