Chapter 12-"ALRIGHT!!!"

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Red was near death. John smiled and threw Red to the side and walked off. John thought of Red as less of a threat and went back to his main goal.

John sighed as he got through the strongest warriors there, except one. Without warning John was slammed into the ground. Beef had taken a shot at the exhausted knight. Beef got up and flexed, ripping his shirt and vest.

"Cheap shot. I guess I have to take you on now..." John sighed. After seeing Beef...well beef up, he realized who he was dealing with.

John stood up, using a pose he learned from studying martial arts and broke his chainmail. With a buffer form he shouted out ready to fight.

"COME AT ME MEAT HEAD!" John screamed with aggression. It's just a flexing battle at this point. All they did was stand there, posing. Only switching it up every few minutes.

"ALRIGHT! LET'S DO THIS JOHN!" Beef screamed back, as he switched pose. It was just silly at the third pose.

Leon crawled over to Red, and gave him the remaining bit of power he had left. Eventually, Leon laid his head down knowing he won't be much help.

Red got up after a bit. Finally, John and Beef has started their fight. It shook the very earth beneath them. The extremely buff men were grunting and screaming. It was like this one show Red saw when he was twelve.

Luke got up looking at the two. After bit he just stood up and walked over to Red. "We'll just let them do their thing." Luke snickered as he pulled Leon along. "Red, grab Dean." Red nodded and dragged Dean along.

The entire day was weird. It was a miracle Red was able to stand. Luke watched as the two went at it. Without warning a Demon attacked them. Before the demon could get too close a shot of magic hit it in the forehead.

Red looked over to Angela, she held a gun. Surprisingly Red could guess it was a soul link. No matter that. Red still didn't want to get hit by it.

Luke gave Angela a quick smile before heading to camp with Leon in tow. Red sat there, honestly stunned by his surroundings.

>Chapter 12 complete<


Angela sat with her parents. While she was informed about the war, she was told her brother would be there. Though her excitement could barely be contained she was let know that she was not allowed to tell Red of their connection.

This led to fighting amongst the family. Nothing quite pissed Angela off more than not being able to tell Red a secret he desperately needed to know.

Angela snapped back to her parents that she was going to tell Red anyway. When she stormed off, her brothers and sisters on each parent's sides advised her not to disobey them.

>Bonus End<

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