Chapter 2: Feya

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That day sorta changed me. I ended up getting more aggressive rather than hiding in fear of my past. I got to know Angela a bit and she turned out to be pretty nice. I started experiencing something new. I hadn't felt this before. I ran out of the classroom to the bathroom with a bunch of pain in my arms. I started puking and scratching my thighs, the pain caused my arms to do this bear trap type thing. Unfortunately, my legs were a victim to this. I stood up and got out of the bathroom. I felt unbalanced and Ill. Soon I saw Lina, she had been looking for me. She told me that she felt weird and had a gut feeling to come look for me. "There you are, what happened?" She started questioning me. It was a bit difficult to stand with the whole being sick and all. Didn't help with what I did to my legs either.

"I'm fine Lina, calm down." I tried convincing her, slowly but surely it worked. She took me to the school nurse seeing the scratches.

"Mrs. Annly? Can you please help out Red? He scratched himself." She told the nurse. The nurse looked down at my thighs. When I sat down I noticed a burning sensation in my arms.

"Red, what exactly happened?" She came over and wrapped my legs in some bandages. The scratches stung and I ended up bear trapping on my sides.

"Oh, does pain cause that?" Mrs. Annly asked. She investigated further by touching my hands. I ended up closing down on her. She pulled away surprised at my reaction. (Note: her hands were freezing cold. That probably caused it.) Now my sides hurt. Great... I lifted my shirt so she can bandage up my sides. After she was done and back in her desk I ended up puking again, this time there was blood and and my arms were bear trapping again. She tried calling so I could go home but, nobody answered. Mrs. Annly didn't know what else to do. I was on the grown holding my stomach on the ground. I blacked out for awhile. When I woke up in the hospital. My head hurt really bad.

"Red Ni?" Called a doctor. The doctor came up to me flipping through pages on his clip board. "We don't quite know what happened. We'll do some X-rays to see if there was anything in your stomach. Tell me, do you have any distant relatives that you could call in case of an emergency? Anyone at all? The person you have on file for your legal guardian did not answer yet." As soon as he said that the news started playing showing that my mother had died. Though the police was called the same day she had died. I didn't want to talk and I just shook my head no tried to hide my face. I wanted to cry but I didn't. Soon I saw Lina and Angela with their parents. Apparently they were let in because they were the last ones with me. Honestly I didn't believe them. They probably forced their way in. Angela walked up to me and placed her hand on my chest.

"We're here. Now you need to talk to us. We were kind enough to come visit you. Now speak." Angela demanded getting more and more angry. "SAY SOMETHING DAMNIT!" Angela screamed causing the doctor to grab her and pull her back. I would say something but I have no words. It would be pointless to talk anyway.

After a month of recovery I was released. I wasn't sent home though. They sent me to a foster home that had been expecting me for a week now. This home is beautiful. It has everything a house could need. I met the family I'd be with. They all seemed nice. Then I was told I had a sort of like sister. If I were to be adopted that is. Without hesitation I ran to find her. When I did I hugged her. All I ever wanted was a sibling. Her name was Grace. Grace Feya. As of this day I would slowly make myself a part of the Feya family. Though my mother would pop up in my head every once in a while.

About two years after the whole thing I adjusted to life with my new family. I decided to go out on a walk by myself to try and meet some people, and I did.. He was alone. This guy wore leather vest and a grey shirt underneath. When I spoke to him he seemed odd. Not the bad kind of odd I mean the kind you could hang around. This person didn't go by anything but beef. It made sense, since he's was more of a heavy set person. In about a week we became friends, best friends. I didn't mind going to see him every now and then because he was nice. He made me laugh all the time too.

After awhile he just vanished. I tried my best to find him but it was a worthless effort. Another friend lost. Either way I'll be alright. Maybe I'll find him later on in life. Who knows.

End of chapter 2

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