End part 1

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Author's note: If you read your way through then thank you. That does mean a lot to me. I've worked so hard on going through the story. Hope you enjoy, the ending of John's war. (Part 1)

Red looked around the crowd. Not knowing how to react. The magic was an unexpected gift from the angels. Red tried his best to comprehend the amount of magic he was given. In the middle of it all a wing came out, brighter and bigger than ever. Red gained a halo as well. He was finally showing half his roots. Soon general Izeah came out of his tent to see Red. "Red, our highest ranking officer wishes to speak with you. You may not recognize this one, for she didn't want to participate." Izeah explained. Red rose an eyebrow wondering what he was referring to. Then a woman came out with chocolate brown hair and tan skin. She ran over and hugged Red, smothering him in love and affection.

"Hey! Hey! Let me go!" Red shouted trying to get this woman off. The way she grabbed him was alarming, her body pressed up against his as she squeezed him ever so tight.

"Sorry!" She smiled kneeling so that they'd be around the same height. "Hey champ. I'm Dyza, your mother." Dyza smiled. Red was shocked. Skeptical and shocked all the same. "When I heard you were here I had to bite my tongue. Then they said you one of the strongest here and I was so proud. I didn't want to participate in this was but I'd be damned if I didn't get to meet my son!" She smiled holding onto Red's arms.

This was so sudden. Red was freaking out. "Hey, hey...I don't know who you are but please, don't go telling me you're my mom when I don't even know you." Red tried his best to keep composure. She must be lying, right? Red didn't know how to think after that sudden introduction.

Dyza soon became impatient with her own son. That impatience became anger as she slapped him. "Don't you doubt me. You think I would lie?" Dyza asked with a stern voice.

Red shouted back at her. "I hardly even know who you are! So you might just be lying!" Red seemed to be getting hot headed. Soon his incoherent screaming was stopped by a slap to the back of his head.

"Royalty such as yourself shouldn't be acting like this." A voice shouted. Red looked back to see a man standing over him. He wore a red scarf and black hoodie with white sleeves. He looked ripped under it. One of the strongest men Red had seen, besides beef and John of course. "I am the prince of the eighth kingdom. Eighth kingdom of Hell. You are my spawn. The son of Reyegra, Red Dygra." Reyegra said only for Red to go down this cycle of confusion. Then Red saw the red eyes Reyegra had and the pointy ears Dyza had. Also he noticed the brown hoodie on Dyza. It made sense. All at the same time it didn't. Red just decided to sit and believe them. Then the screams of Angela couple be heard. She must be in danger. Red tried to get away before Reyegra grabbed his arm. "Don't worry. We need to focus on getting you to the strongest you can be." A group of demons came from thin air at the snap of his fingers. "Okay, you all know what to do." They all smiled as the shot Red with their magic directly. The sheer amount caused Red's demonic wing to pop out and shift forms instantly. Red balanced out the magic unconsciously when this happened.

"Thanks. I appreciate it but I really need to go!" Red flew off noticing the horn hovering above his head as he came to Angela's aid.

Before John could figure out what was approaching Red punched him in the face, sending him to the ground. "Red?" Leon called out confused about the power. Red just nodded as particles of Xion and Zio started forming into a mask. John seemed happy. "Finally a challenge!" He shouted as his muscles grew in mass. Red seemed pretty freaked out by how much energy he had left.

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