Chapter 14-Angela the Nephilim

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Red left John to Beef and went to help the Angels against the Demons. While helping a demon snuck up behind him, ready to attack. Before Red could be harmed an angel saved him.

"Red. Are you alright?" The angel asked as they now stood back to back.

"I'm okay, but why save me? I could've done well by myself." Red told the angel in a cold unappreciative tone.

The angel scoffed. "It is my duty to keep a close eye on you. For you are a tool that we have no means to replace at this moment." This didn't settle right with Red, causing him explode with a mild bit of anger.

Later that night Red walked back to the same area he first met Luke. The battle was relatively tame due to beef and John catching everyone's attention. Red sat contemplating to himself about the words of that angel. They cut so deep that Red felt like crumbling under them. Soon someone came from the trees behind him. Looking behind him, Red saw Angela and asked her. "Hey, am I really just some tool? If they had to they could just replace me?" Red's eyes began to shine as they reflected the moon's soft white glow.

Angela took a deep breath and looked towards Red. "No you aren't. You are my brother. Not some tool. Why would you think that?" Angela said, hoping Red hearing about them being siblings would cheer his mood.

Red looked down and curled up, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. "They don't see me as a warrior." Red told Angela with a defeated tone of voice. Red felt worthless, disposable. Then Angela kneeled down behind Red. Finally she gave him a warm hug to show she didn't think the same way. While this happened she kept absorbing magic coming from Red. It was so intense that it started burning her arms. Soon she had to think of something. "Release it through your wings. Release it through your wings." Angela thought to herself as phantom like wings floated behind her back. Each feather kept breaking off and fading onto nothing as more came in. So much power, with no way to control it. This went on for awhile until Red had finally calmed down. Angela started up a small fire for Red to lay by. After making sure Red was okay she slipped away back to camp. Angela felt angry that someone had made her brother upset. When she got back to camp the head generals were in a meeting. Angela snuck in and watched, listening to what they had to say. Eventually one of them let it slip that Red really was not needed, and that Angela was much more capable. "Oh?" Angela blurted with her arms crossed. Somebody had just insulted her brother and she was pissed.

"Miss Angela! Please forgive general Isaac, for he knows not what he says." General Izeah begged Angela.

"So that's what we are? Tools? I just got done calming my brother down because I had a bit more faith that you wouldn't just think we were disposable." Angela shouted with great rage, eventually getting a bit scary.

"You have misunderstood! We do not have any means to do this ourselves, therefore we need you!" General Martin pleaded.

"Shame. So we don't have a purpose here other than to help you. Yeah no thanks. I'm pulling me and my brother out of the war. We will be leaving at sunrise." Angela told them while walking out. With her back turned she took a moment, hoping for a desperate proposal.

"Wait!" Head general Gabriel commanded. "You two will be rewarded with wishes. Two of each of your choosing." He proposed to the now very intrigued Nephilim.

Angela looked back. "Good. That's what I like to hear. We'll finish this war out for you. That means you'll have to call off your troops. Tomorrow will be a battle against John." Angela told them. They all reluctantly agreed as Angela walked back to her brother. The result was pleasing, she got her way and it felt amazing. The only problem was getting everyone else on the same page.


Red tried his best to keep in contact with Them. Afraid he panicked. They would've answered by now. Red soon checked the news. Red sighed lightly as nothing happened to them. Finally Red took a few deep breaths and got up. While he walked to the door a small voice called to him. Grace had a bad cold and wanted Red to help her. With a slight bit of hesitation Red opened the door. The cold crisp air hit him as he covered his eyes. The snow hit Red's face with force. Before it got too bad Red shut the door. It was going to be a heavy task to leave. Instead of going to check it out Red bolted up the stairs to tend to his sister until the snow calmed.

>To be continued<

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