Chapter Forty Nine

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🌿A/N 🌿

Again, this chapter is semi edited to the best of my ability. Of course that means you'll find some mistakes. Look past it until my editor can get back on board.



Jimin looked at Headmaster Namjoon in confusion.

"I would like for all of you to take a seat." He gestured toward a few chairs that sat in front of his desk.

"Why does this feel serious?" Tae asked, slowly walking over to one of the chairs to take a seat, followed by Jimin and Sungyeol.

"Because in some respects it is." Namjoon acknowledged. "The Blue Moon will appear tomorrow night and stay for the next three nights and two days. I think we all know that it may or may not have some type of an effect on Jimin. I just want to make sure we are all on the same page about what we should do."

"I don't know if we can all be on the same page, since we don't really know what type of an effect it will have on him." Sungyeol added. Wondering what he thought they should do.

"Agreed, but whatever the effect, I think we should keep a close eye on him and have a doctor on stand by just in case it's something we can't handle by ourselves. Of course the added concern is that we will have an open campus for the next three days." Namjoon looked at Jimin, "I know your family will be here as well as Jungkook and his family and I'm sure they will look out for you to make sure you're okay. I just want to make sure you will be okay and all the activities that we have planned for the next few days to go smoothly."

Jimin folded his arms across his chest as he spoke, "What are you not saying?" He asked, "Why does this feel more like a warning than a plan? Is there something more to this you're not saying?"

"I have been researching your condition for a while now and while I want to throw out some theories, I feel it would be best not to not to put things in your head may or may not even happen. I just want to prepare for any and all possibilities is all. I know this is a little off topic, but can I ask how you have been feeling as of late?"

"I've been feeling fine." He replied, still wondering what wasn't being said.

"Nothing out of the ordinary?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin thought back to just the other day,"Well, I wasn't feeling so great a day or so ago and I went to go see the nurse."

"You did?" He was surprised that he wasn't notified. The nurse had strict instructions to notify him whenever Jimin came in. "What did she say?"

"That I was coming down with a slight cold. She gave me medicine for it and now I feel much better."

"Yeah, we were all there." Tae said, "At first we were concerned because Jimin didn't look so good, but when she said it was a cold and he would be fine by morning, we felt relieved that it wasn't something more serious."

Namjoon tilted his head in thought. Something seemed off with what they were saying, but he didn't mention it. "Just let me know if anything out of the ordinary happens with him, or if he starts to complain of any weird feelings."

"I'm here." Jimin said a little irritated that the conversation started to revolved around him instead of to him.

"I'm sorry," Namjoon said. "The reason I'm talking more to them than to you is only because If something does go wrong with you, you may not be able to contact me. I just want to make sure you stay safe . If we stay in constant communication I think everything will be fine. As per protocol has everyone given your updated plans to security?"

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