Chapter Fifteen

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Hearts are racing as Jimin lightly closes the door.

"What is it?" Tae whispers.


"What! How many!"

"To many for me to count!" Jimin says, frantically.

"What are we gonna do?!"

"Hell if I know!" Jimin whisper screams back. "But I think we're going to have to make a run for it."

Taes eyes go wide. "What! Why?! Let's just stay here with the lights off and be quiet." Tae says, wanting to do anything, but leave his safe haven.

"Two of them have badges. They can get in here!"

Tae quickly pulls out his phone. "We have to call for help!" He taps his phone and it doesn't turn on. It's dead. "My phones dead!"

Jimin pulls out his phone, but freezes the moment he hears the door handle move. He takes several steps back from the door pulling Tae with him. A second later the door opens and two Alphas are standing in the doorway with the light shining behind them. They look like monsters. When they spot Tae and Jimin they give off a creepy smile.

Jimin can feel Tae's hand start to shake in his. He's trying to stay calm for Tae's sake, but his mind is still fuzzy from the alcohol. He squeezes Tae's hand trying to let him know, everything will be okay.

The Alphas step further into the room. "It looks like we found ourselves two more Omega's by the smell of it."

"Yeah, they smell real nice."

Jimin speaks up. "I don't know how you got in here, but you better leave before you  get caught! There will be no mercy on you!"

The bigger Alpha crosses his arms "You should hope we have mercy on you. But if I were you I wouldn't hope to much."

"Yeah," The second one laughs. "I want him."

There was an imediate growl from the first Alpha. "We don't touch them until we get them off campus." He growls. "We will stick to the plan."

"I know. I'm not really...I was just saying."

No more words were spoken as they filled the room with their presence. The first Alpha goes for Tae while the other goes for Jimin. Tae is quickly grabbed up while he screams in fear. Jimin side steps the Alpha who grabs for him. Easily avoiding his reach, but stumbles. His mind and body still hazy from the drinks is throwing his coordination off. He's trying his best to stay up right while formulating a plan in his head, but he simply can't think straight! No plan he comes up with will work, if Tae is captured.

He needs both of them free. He won't leave Tae behind and he's running out of time, so in his mind he thinks, 'Fuck it!' And attacks the Alpha first. He plants his left foot in front of him. He makes a fist with his left hand wrapping his right hand around it. Essentially making his fist twice as big. He makes one fluid turn all in one motion landing the hit to the ribs of the Alpha.

The Alpha is shocked that the Omega is  trying to fight him, but the hit has very little affect on the Alpha.

He laughs. "Are you trying to fight me little Omega?" He says, in a baby voice.

Which pisses Jimin off. It's still dark in the room. The only light that shines through comes from the door that was still open.

Jimin can see Tae being drag to the door. Alcohol or not he still knew he was faster than most of theses slow ass Alphas who were trying to take them. That's when a plan pops in his mind.

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