Chapter Forty One

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Jungkook has given several presentations in front of potential investors, clients,  staff and board members before, so this was nothing new to him. However, this project was a little nearer and dearer to his heart because he has some history in Mauritius.

He was fully prepared with the help of his team and was more than sure he would be able to convince all that were in attendance to start doing business there.

He entered the conference room full of confidence, as he straightened his tie and buttoned his jacket. He approached the front of the room with all eyes on him. He asked Mr. Yoo to dim the lights as he began to work his magic of swaying minds.

He casually went over the general outline of the proposal, breaking down each section, from the market analysis to the financial projections. He even added in all the ways they could expand their investments once the business venture became successful. He talked about the good nature of the people and their willingness to expand globally.

When Mr. Yoo turned the lights back on, the room of investors and staff alike were all impressed. The Alpha only had to wait until Friday to know if his proposal would be approved or not.

When he left the boardroom, he went straight to his office, unbuttoning his jacket and placing it on a hook inside his lavish work space.

The room was filled with extra seating and a sleek desk. Artwork lined the walls and in the corner was a small meeting space. His name plate was made out of Swarovski crystals with his name engraved in gold.

He loved the large window that overlooked the city and framed his desk. He often turned his chair toward the large floor-to-ceiling window that nearly took up the entire wall whenever he needed to contemplate a hard decision.

"What's on the agenda for today?" he asked, as he sat down at his desk to start up his computer.

"You have two more meetings, but they will be short. You also have a luncheon with some investors."

He knew what the two mini meetings were about, but wasn't sure about the luncheon.

Mr. Yoo read his expression and answered the questioning look. "Japan, sir."

That caused the Alpha to look up, "Japan?"

"Yes, sir. We are still trying to do damage control."

"Really? I had no idea."

"You killed the son of a major investor. That didn't necessarily go over well with the other Japanese investors. Leaving the father alive was not the best move. It would have been better business wise to have killed him too."

Jungkook chuckled, "You know we can't just kill people off for business purposes."

"No, but he is definitely making it difficult for us to do business there. As much as we are an asset to them, we are very much an outside entity. He has more authority and is exercising it with anyone who sides with us, who wants to do business with us, or who supports us in any way."

"Why haven't I been told this before?" the Alpha questioned.

"At the time, sir, you were preoccupied with personal matters."

"I understand, but it's a priority now. We have 62.4 million dollars tied up in investments with various different companies in Japan. Are we in danger of losing all of those investments?"

"Not if we get ahead of this thing. It appears that Mr. Miyagi is going after your finances instead of your life."

Jungkook lets out a snort, "And this is how he's choosing to do it? He hurting himself too. I don't think that bastard has thought this through."

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