Chapter Twenty

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Thank You! As promised, Here's the next chapter.


When the couple made it home. Jimin starts to make his way to his bedroom. He was eager to wash the "Ew" up off of him from Haruto. It was still early and Jungkook wasn't ready to part ways with his Omega just yet.

"Hey, Jimin." He says, fidgeting with the back of his hair.

Jimin stops walking and turns around to see what Jungkook wanted. "Hum?"

"After you get cleaned up would you mind meeting me back out here? I have a special surprise for you."

"Do I need to dress nicely?" He asks, unwilling to get all dolled up again.

"Nope. Only your P.J's are required."

Jimin was nervous by that statement.


"I don't mean it like that! I just meant it's a relaxed, comfortable surprise. Nothing worth getting fancy over."

He was surprisingly nervous about what Jimin's answer would be, but was pleasantly happy when he agreed. Thirty minutes later Jimin was fresh and ready to see what the surprise was.

Jimin walks out in a deep purple silk pajama set. The pants were flowy and loose around his waist and the top was simple. It was a v neck, long sleeve. It was also loose fitting and flowy. What you don't see immediately is that the back of the shirt is sheer. Exposing the soft curves if his back.

Jungkook's gray flannel pajamas are much simpler, but the fitted bottoms and top, hug him perfectly. Showing off just how muscular and defined his body really is. Jimin has never seen him workout, but you can just tell that he does.

There was a nervous awkwardness in the air and the Alpha decides to speak up first.

"You look nice."

Jimin slightly blushes as he returns the compliment.

"So do you." Jimin couldn't believe they were complimenting each other, when they were just wearing pajamas.

More awkward silence.

"So what's the surprise?" Jimin asks. Looking around not really seeing anything different in the room than before.

As if on cue the doorbell rings. Jimin looks surprised.

"Are you expecting someone?"

"Yes." The Alpha says, as he walks over to the door opening it. Several Omegas walk in. One of them goes straight to the bar. While several others lay out several different finger foods and various desserts.

"What is all this?" Jimin asks.

"It's an indoor picnic for two."

Jimin smiles. "Really?"

"Do you like it?" The Alpha asks.

"Of course."

All the food is placed in the middle of a plush blanket. With two thick pillows on either side of it.

"What would you like to drink?" Jungkook asks.

"Ummm... something fruity."

"Something fruity it is." Jungkook walks over to the bar ordering a drink for Jimin and one for himself. Jimin takes a seat on one of the cushions as he takes in all the food before him. The room had a nice feel. Between the mood lighting and the soft music that starts to play in the background jimin was impressed.

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