Chapter Three

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Jimin has been in school for a week and today is his first day of classes. Jimin feels like he doesn't need half of the classes they offer. So when he learns you can test out. He quickly takes that option, managing to test out of three classes.

However, no one can opt out of core classes. Even after testing out of some classes he's still left with quite a few. At the Elite School of Omegas, they allow you to choose the order of your sessions and Jimin chose etiquette for his first round of classes.

How to act in certain social situations. What's acceptable and unacceptable.

Jimin knows he's  weak in this area because his fear of Alphas isn't as strong as other Omegas and he's easily riled when it comes to situations of fairness. He needs to learn how to curb his temper and his mouth.

Jimin is dressed for the day in his tailor made uniform. The uniform pants are black with the crest on the front of each pocket.  The crest is black red and white. It is that of  and Omega in wolf form. His blazer is also black. The crest takes up the entire back of the blazer. White button up shirt. Red cut off tie.

He grabs his backpack and phone. He realizes this is the first time he's left the dorm without Tae. It feels strange. He hasn't really made any other friends outside of Tae.  He's hoping to fix that today.

It's a short walk to class and he's the first to arrive. The teacher walks in right as he pulls out his notebook and pen.

"Hello Mr. Park. Your early. I like that."

A short while later the rest of the class files in. In total it's fifteen students. All girls. Jimin doesn't let It bother him. He enjoys class a lot. After it was over the girls decide to come over and introduce themselves to Jimin.

"Hi. My name is Jeon Sungyeol."

"Park Jimin. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all ours. Literally. Your scent is wonderful."

"Thanks. Do people get compliments on their scents here?"

"Not very often but yours is to nice not to compliment."

"Ah' well, you all smell nice too." He says, looking at all the girls crowded around him.

All the girls giggle. Sungyeol shushes them as she continues to talk.

"Wow! Your beautiful." She says, almost in a trance. "Looking at you almost makes me wish I wasn't an Omega...Anyways!" She says, snapping out of it. "Do you have plans for lunch?"

"I do, but your welcome to join us."


"Taehyung and I."

"Ummmm. I think we'll pass. Right girls?" She says, glancing around the group. "Can I talk to Jimin for a minute, privately? I'll catch up with you later. The girls reluctantly agree, but leave the two to talk privately. Sungyeol starts the conversation off.

"I know you payed tuition  to come here so you won't be participating in a lot of the third year activities. I payed to come here as well. I guess what I'm tying say is, are you promised to anyone?"

"No. I'm not, but-"

"Great!" Sungyeol says, cutting Jimin off. "I come from a very prestigious family and background. Our families would definitely benefit from each other."

"Why are you telling me all of this? Your an Omega. I'm an Omega..." Jimin says, confusion written across his face.

"Oh' not for me silly. I have a brother! He's and Alpha and totally handsome. I think he would like you a lot. I've shown him so many pictures of other Omegas here and  he's just not interested in any of them, but you! OMG!" 

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