Chapter Thirty Two

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Jimin was in the family dining room of his home. Texting his very best friend in the whole wide world. He was making sure Tae and his family were all set for his event and he also wanted Tae to know that he had chosen him to be one of his handmaidens.

"Mr. Park?"

Jimin looked up from his phone.

"Is Jungkook here?" He asked.

"No sir, you have a delivery."

"A delivery?"  Jimin said confused.

"Yes, sir"

Jimin wasn't expecting any deliveries.  "Bring it in." He said, putting his texting on hold.

"Yes, sir."

When the staff member brought the delivery inside. It was two dozen of the most beautiful yellow and red roses Jimin had ever seen.

"Who are they from?" Jimin asked, walking up to the maid still holding the flowers. Jimin leaned in to smell the flowers, as he looked for a card.

"The card is in the center." The maid informed him. Jimin located it right as Jungkook entered the family room. Jimin took the card from the center of the roses and pulled the small card from it's tiny envelope.

There was only a letter "D" on it.

Jungkook walked up to Jimin eyeing the flowers. "Flowers?"

"Yes. I think they might be from Mr. Dim." He said, casually handing the card to Jungkook. Still admiring the flowers. "Can you put these flowers in a vase for me please." Jimin said to the maid.

"Are you actually keeping those flowers?" Jungkook asked slightly shocked.

"The person who sent them might be crazy, but the flowers are innocent. They are absolutely beautiful don't you think?" Jimin said smiling at the bouquet.

"What I think is you and I are going to have a serious problem if you think you're actually going to keep those flowers."

Jimin stops admiring the flowers to look at Jungkook. "What type of problem?"

"One I'm sure you don't want to deal with." Jungkook said trying to keep his anger at bay.

"And what if I do? Want to deal with it." Jimin said challenging the Alpha.

"Will you excuse us, please."  Jungkook said to the maid who was still in the room.  She was uncomfortable with the new tension, but curious herself as to what the punishment might be and if she should be worried for the Omega. She reluctantly turned to walk away. Realizing it wasn't her place to interfere. 

Jungkook stopped her. "Please leave the flowers behind."

The Omega didn't even realize she still had the flowers in her hand as she looked around and quickly found a spot not to far from the couple to place them. When no other instructions were given,  she politely left.

Jimin who was still eyeing the Alpha was curious himself about what was going to happen next.  This started off as a joke for Jimin. He truly had no intentions on keeping the flowers, but thoroughly enjoyed the Alpha's Jealousy. However, he might've played it out a little longer than he should've and thought to himself to come clean.

Jungkook broke eye contact as he walked away from Jimin, who had to restrain his grin and quickly put on a straight face when the Alpha looked back at him.

"I don't like the fact that you want to keep flowers sent to you by another Alpha."

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Jimin said light heartedly. A smile finally gracing his face. "Jungkookie I'm sorry. I was just joking with you earlier. I was never going to keep the flowers."  The Omega said.  Walking over to Jungkook pulling him away from the flowers. "Your so easy to rile up. I couldn't resist." Jimin continued, hugging the Alpha in an attempt to get him to calm down. "I'm sorry if I made you angry."

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