chapter 1

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Andy's POV.

I looked at Ashley then i looked at the test in my hands.

"Are you serious?" I whispered

Ashley nodded, i couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. I pulled Ashley into my lap and hugged him. He giggled and hugged me back, everyone was shocked. Jinxx and Sammi walked up to use and looked at the test, Sammi gave Ashley a hug and Jinxx looked like he was thinking.

"I know it's Christmas but do you think i could run a few test on you Ashley?" he asked looking at the test

"Yea sure that will be fine" Ashley said getting up

"Andy you can come if you want, Juliet will you watch the kids?" Sammi asked

Juliet nodded and picked Carson up, we all left the Christmas room and walked into the hospital room. Jinxx told Ashley to get onto the bed and left his shirt, Ashley did what he was told.

Sammi put some gel stuff on his stomach while Jinxx got the machine set up, he also got this wand looking thing out. what the hell is that for?

"Ok Ashley we are just going to run a few test to see how this is possible and check the baby, now when was the last time you and Andy had sexual intercourse?" Jinxx asked grabbing a shot needle

"um, the 23rd of this month was the last time." Ashley answered

"ok, we are going to to see if we can hear the baby's heartbeat if we don't it is probably because you havn't been pregnant that long." Jinxx said 

He moved the little thingy around on his stomach, we couldn't see the baby yet but we could see where it was forming. He grabbed the wand thing and but some gel on it.

"Ashley i'm going to have to ask you to remove your pants" Jinxx said

"what?why?" I asked

"because this will be going up his ass so we can get a closer look at the baby" Sammi answered

Ashley went pale but pulled down his pants and underwear, Sammi set up the leg holders so his legs were spread out she also got him a sheet to cover his....area.

"i'm going to take it slow since you have never had one of these kind of test before" Jinxx said

he slowly inserted the wand in, he moved it around a little to try and find the baby. 

"AH HA found it, we Will be able to see it better in a few days and by next month we will be able to tell the gender. i think that might me a second baby forming as well over here" Jinxx said pointing to the screen

Ashley looked so happy, Sammi took a look at it.

"yea i think it might be we will be able to tell in a few day's like Jinxx said" Sammi said grabbing so wipes.

she put Ashley's legs down and helped him clean the gel off of his stomach, Ashley got dressed again and sat back on the bed.

they still had to run a blood test and a few other test to make sure Ashley is OK.

"Ashley have you ever had these kind of test before when you were pregnant?" Sammi asked

"No when i was pregnant with Carson i was in a coma for most of it and when i was pregnant with Athena and Henry i was kidnapped so no" Ashley said

Sammi nodded and grabbed the needle Jinxx had earlier, she cleaned Ashley's arm and put the needle in it. she drew some blood and put the needle in a Little container.


"OK well we are done with the test we should have the results in a few hours" Jinxx said smiling

"OK thank you Jinxx and Sammi" i said

i picked Ashley up because had fallen Ashley during the last two test, i carried him to our room and put him to bed. i kissed his head before i left the room to go see Carson and Athena.

Athena was asleep on the floor and Carson was eating a cookie. 

"when did she fall asleep?and why is Carson eating a cookie?" i asked picking her up

"just a few minutes ago, and cc gave him one" Jake said pointing to Cc

i gave him a look before putting Athena in her room, i kissed her head and walked back to get Carson and give him real food.

_hello everyone that was the first chapter of the new book!!! yay!!! *insert happy dance*

anyway i'm going to be trying so new things with this book some things i have never done before so tell me if it's working or if i should just stop it.

i hope you guy will enjoy this book, because i will enjoy writing it for you and the picture on the side is of the house because i don't think you guys have seen what it look like so yea. it's not exactly what i wanted it to look like but it's pretty damn close.

i will see you guys next chapter bbbyyyyeeee_

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