chapter 15

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Andy's POV.

i arrived at Tyler's place i decided to climb through one of the windows. when i got in i realized it was a kids play  room, i saw 'girl' toys and 'boy' toys. i walked out and began looking in different rooms, i was about to turn and go the other way when i heard crying. i walked towards the crying and came to an open door. i took a peek inside, i saw Athena,Tyler and old dude and a little boy. Athena looked up and saw me ad screamed running towards me. everyone turned towards me Tyler glared the old guy looked confused and the boy smiled.

"daddy!!" Athena cried as i held her. "daddy! mommy gone you have to find mommy!!"

 it was hard to understand her when she was crying but i made out that much. the little boy walked up to me and smiled.

"daddy this in Henry my brother!" she said rubbing her eyes. i put her down and hugged him. i was at a lose for words then i remembered Ashley.

i stood up and glared at Tyler.

"where is Ashley?" i asked

"i don't know the kids say they saw someone take him and jumped out the window.." he explained not taking his eyes off me.

"why are you here? why can't you just leave everyone alone?" i asked 

"i love Ashley. we are soul mates there is nothing either of us can do about it Ashley will always have a piece of him that will love me." Tyler said looking down, then his head snapped up "let's work together we find Ashley and we can come to an agreement on what to do from there"

i eyed him for a while then eyed the old man, as i looked closer at him he looked a lot like Tyler he must be his father the one who made the necklace to bring people back from the dead.

"and why would i do that?" i asked walking closer to him stopped a few feet away.

"because i know my way around the world better then you i have lived longer then you and there for i know more, but when it comes to certain things you know more so if we work together we can get Ashley back and settle everything once and for all." 

i hate to say it but he was right i didn't know my way around this place or many places for that matter but i did hold skills that he didn't. i thought some more i needed his help to save Ashley and without him it might take me longer then i wanted.

"fine, but don't think i'm happy with this and we have to send the kids back to Ashley's parents so they can be safe." i said crossing my arms

"agreed that would be for the best but i want my father to come with us. he knows of different types of magic that might come in handy." he said

i nodded i wrote a letter to the guys at me and Ashley's place and a letter to his parents to explain everything.

Tyler's dad opened a portal in the mirror so the kids could jump through, right when he was about to close it Katie and Ethan came into view dressed in all black hiking type wear and five bags.

"what are you guys doing?" i asked before roger(Tyler's dad's name now forgot what name i gave him.) could close the portal they jump through it landing on top of me and Tyler.

"we are here to help" they said

"i'm sure it wont take all of us to get Ashley.." i said getting up.

"actually..."roger said trailing off. "i did a spell to see where Ashley is she is in dragon land and on the move it seems she is with your mother and brother."

"great" Tyler mumbled

"is that bad?" Katie asked

"it can be..." roger said "it can be"


its been roughly three hours since roger and Tyler told us how crazy his mom and brother can be, i guess it runs in the family since then we have all piled in a jeep and began on our way.

Tyler decided to drive i was the one holding the magic map. roger said we should go and see a wise monkey and he could give us some advise on how to get Ashley back. 

"OK take a left up at this monument." i said looking at the map i liked this map i might have to get me one.

Tyler nodded and kept driving it was quiet all except for the engine and the occasional groan or something. this is going to be a long ride.......

(time lapse with the wise monkey ft a goddess)

we arrived at the place of the wise monkey roger had a few words with the monkey before he began talking to us.

"so much pain and darkness between all of much hurt" the monkey said "you need t see the light before you can save your love. you need to love each other before you can save another."

"what is that suppose to mean?" Ethan asked

"Tyler and Andy need to see eye to eye heart to heart" the monkey says "and i know just how to do that"

the monkey started chanting and making hand motions. suddenly a beautiful goddess appeared she looked a little like Ashley but she had blonde hair and green eyes.

"i am here to give you something to help you not only with finding your mate but also understanding each other." she said in a soft voice

she lifted her hands and place them on our hearts light stared coming through her hands and pain shot through my body bring me down to me knees. after a few more painful minutes it stopped, she slowly backed away and dropped her hands.

my head was killing me and i had to blink a few times to make my vision back right.

"what did you do?" i asked looking up but she and the monkey was gone.

"she let you into each others heads....allowing you to see each others past feel each others pain and so on and so forth "roger said 

"great now your annoying voice is going to be in my head and things i don't want to see" Tyler groaned

"that's not all...."Ethan trailed off

"what else did she do it can't be worse then this..." i said

they all looked at each other before Katie spoke

"she made you mates...."

_hello my lovelies!!!!!!<3

hope you like this chapter, i loved making it. any way just a few things before i go if you don't mind:

1)thinking about making another bridecest(because there isn't a lot that i have seen)

2)leaving comments are OK feedback is good for me so i can be inspired to make more chapters

3)i love you guys a bunch

4)don't forget to read,vote,comment and follow

love you bunches bbbyyyyeeee<3_ 

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