chapter 9

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Ashley's POV.

Ever since i got here a few days ago i could feel something was wrong. who ever this guy is he was very creepy he was always buyinh athena toys and stufff and he would always buy me new clothes and shoes etc..

and almost all the time he would avoid answering any of my important questions. for example who he was and how did he know me and athena?

he would just smile and said in time i would find out, but besides that i am thankful for him letting me and athena stay here. or more like he is making us stay here.....

he did remove our watches, which made me a little i dont know freaked out because how could he get it off and me and my family at home couldn't.

"mommy! mommy! guess what?!?! guess what!?!?" athena yelled

"what is it sweetie?" i asked smiling.

"grandpa said daddy and my brother will be here soon!!" she yelled excitedly.

andy and carson will be here?!?! i smiled and began to get ready, i took a shower and put on some clothes since tonight was some kind of ball the pa was hosting(yea he makes me call him that i don't even know his real name) i had to wear a dress.

it was a very pretty dress, it wasn't just any ball tho, it was a masquerade ball my mask was blue with black glitter type stuff.

athena's was like mine except hers was pink and black while mine was blue and black. nothing was going to wipe the smile off my face. me and Athena  made our way down the hall to go to the ball but pa stopped us.

"oh, you two have to make a big entrance since you two are royalty." he said

"we are?!?!" athena sqeualed

"yes sweetheart, and your mommy is going to be a queen and your father will be the king once he marrys your mother which makes you a princess" he said with a smile.

 she smiled and clapped her hands.

"your father and brother are already here so we are just waiting for you guys." he said we followed him to these bigs doors.

i took a deep breath and put a smile on my face as the doors open everyone stopped to look at us. people were smiling at us and giving a little bow, athena looked like was having the time of her life, me on the other hand just wanted to see andy and my little boy.

after pa introduced us, the ball went into full swing. i went to the back coner to get away from the crowd i was looking out the windowso my back was to the crowd. i have been looking for andy the entire time and i havn't seen him or my son.

suddenly i felt arms wrap around me.

"hello my love, i have missed you so much." a deep voice whispered in my ear.

i smiled and leaned into their touch, i smiled they started kissing up the side of my neck and i had to bite my lip to keep from moaning.

i turned around to give him a proper hug, when i pulled away i wasnt andy.

"did you miss me love" tyler whispered

i gasped but didnt move, tyler was alive? how? i thought we destroyed the rings?

but most of all he believed i was in love with him, the last time i saw him he believed i was in love with him.

"t-tyler?" i breathed.

"yes love its me im here" he said kissing my forehead

"h-how.." i stuttered out.

"i will tell you another time but for now i want to dance" he said leading me to the middle of te dance floor.

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