chapter 19

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Rebecca's POV.

i made my way back to my car seeing that James was still asleep,i smiled and began to drive back home. when we arrived at the house i carried James into his room, once i had him settled i went to the kitchen to make us some lunch. i decided to make sandwiches something nice and simple, i was just about to grab the ingredients that i needed when James came running in looking around frantically.

i sighed stopping what i'm doing to look at James. "she's not here"

"what do you mean she's not here?!" James yelled with wide eyes.

"i sent her back home James she doesn't belong here she needed to go home." i said going back to making food, i stopped when James grabbed my wrist.

"i'm going after her and i'm never coming back,how could you do something like this when you knew how i felt towards her?!" he yelled walking towards the door.

"and what will you do and where will you go? you have nothing without me" i shout following him. but no matter what i said he kept going.

"i didn't want to have to do this James but you leave me no choice." i raised a finger and he froze in place.

i turned him around and guided him inside the house, he mumbled but since he was frozen i couldn't  understand him. i walked down the stairs towards the bottom where the basement was with James frozen figure following me. i made his body go into a iron cage, once i had it locked i let him have control of his body.

he ran towards the cage doors trying to pull them open bu failed.

"let me out!!! your crazy!!" he yelled in my face i smiled.

"yea i am crazy, i'm crazy in love with you. and i can't let that Ashley girl take you from me what kind of mother or lover would i be if i let that happen?" i asked tilting my head. he just shook his head i frowned at this, doesn't he see what i am doing for him? i'm saving him from heart break. 

"she will never love you while tyler and andy are still around...don't you get that don't you see what i'm doing for you im doing this because i love you." i said touching his hand lightly but he pulled away.

"and i'll never love you as long as  Ashley is still alive my love for her will grow." he growled at me with much hatred.

"your right i guess i'll just have to get rid of her." i said walking away ignoring his yells and threats to not touch her.


i sat in my room with a glass of wine thinking of ways to insure James stays mine then everything clicked. i ran to my spell room and looked through some of the books till i found what i was looking for. i stood in front of my big mirror and chanted a chant that would help me get to Ashley, when the portal opened i stepped through to see i was in a bed room and Ashley was asleep.

i smiled her being asleep was making this job a lot easier, i reached into her pocket for the ring and slid it on her finger. i pressed the jewel injecting the black poison, she gasped sitting up looking me in my eyes. i chanted a few things watching all the life and and love leave his eyes, his body changed back to one of a male. i smiled as hatred and evil filled his eyes.

"you mission is to kill andy and tyler in the most heartless way and then and only then shall you kill yourself.... kill anyone that gets in your way do you understand you mission."

"yes master i understand my mission" ashley said nodding.

i pulled the ring off his finger and watched as he clasped on the bed, i looked at the ring and crushed it with my hands. now all i have to do is wait, and soon james and me will finally have the life i have always wanted......and the best part no one will get in my one

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