chapter 10

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Tyler's POV.

ashley should be waking any minute now, i knew when i gave it to him he would be out for about 3 days, around the third or fourth day he will start to wake up.

i dressed him in a sky blue dress he look absolutely stunning, his skin was paler but not to pale. his face became a little softer and his body even in male form a little curvier. even his hair grew out longer now it was just past his mid back. the mate mark on his neck is gone i will replace it with my mark once he has enough energy.

"daddy? when will mommy wake up?" henry asked sitting in my lap

"soon my son soon" i said rubbing his back

"whe she wakes up we will be a happy family right?" he asked with a innocent look

"yes... yes we will and i wont let anyone take that away from usok?" i asked

he nodded and climbed on the bed next to ashley and laid down holding his hand, athena came in and sat on my lap.

"when mommy wakes up and we go to the garden and have a picnic?" she asked

"that is a great idea how about you and henry go and make the stuff for the picnic ok?" i said

the both nodded happily and went to go put together the food, i heard a moan and looked towards ashley.

ashley was looking at me with a smile playing on his lips, i walked over to the side of the bed.

"how are you my queen?" i asked leaning down

"amazing now that your here my king" 

and with that ashley leaned up and connected ur lips.....


"mommy!mommy! look what i found" athena said running up to ashley holding a little ladybug "im going to name her mindy" i chuckled

"that's lovely dear" ashley said with a smile his arm still hooked with mine, he hand rest in the crease of my arm.

we began to walk around the garden while the kids ran and played.

"dear are you sure your up for the picnic i dont want you to pass out" i said laying my hand on his.

he smiled up warmly at me.

"nonsense im up for it, no need for you to worry. plus i want to spend time with my kid and my prince" he said kissing me on the cheek.

i forced down a blush, ashley giggled as we continued to walk. the kids found a spot they wanted to have the picnic so we sat down and began to eat.


at the end both of the kids were fast asleep in me and ashleys arms we carried them to their rooms and put them to bed.

we went to our room, we decided on watching a movie before me and ashley both fell asleep in each others arms.

just the way uh uh i like it!


andy's POV.

for the past few days i felt like shit and i dont know why, ashley's watch and athenas has disappeared off the map and i am worried sick.

"um andy?" jinxx said


"were is your mark?" he asked looking at my neck

"what do you mean its right there" i said pointing to the side

"i dont see it, dude it's gone...look" he said pointing to the mirror and sure enough my mark was gone.....

my mating mark ashley gave me is gone...

what the fuck....

"jinxx what does this mean?" i asked trying to remain calm.

"many things the bond could be broken, some cast a spell, or hope this is not true ashley is dead, ashley has been claimed by someone else and many more things" jinxx explained

i sat there in shock, what if one of those is what happen to ashley?

"may be there is a spell i can cast to see where ashley is" jinxx said running out.

a few minutes later he called me to his office.

"ok i found a spell, lets try it out" jinxx said

he mumbled some words ans a baby blue ball of energy started to form he threw it at the mirror and yelled show me ashley.

we saw a room it was a very nice room but not something i want for myself. the picture kept moving till it landed on ashley he was in a sky blue dress and was asleep something was different about him thought i just dont know what.

"zoom out" jinxx said

the picture did and we realized that ashley was not only asleep but asleep in someones arms, the man looked familiar but i just couldn't place it.

ashley started to stir, he sat up and looked around before his eyes landed on the man beside him. he smiled and kissed him on the lips.

the man woke up smiling at ashley pulling him down for another kiss.

"i love you ashylnn, queen of my heart"

"and i love you tyler, king of my everything"

they kissed again before laying down and falling back asleep.

the picture disappeared.

"andy? are you ok?" jinxx asked

"how? how the hell is he alive?!?!" i yelled i was beyond pissed he was up to something now he has my ashley. does he have athena to?

"i dont know i will have to see what i can fins out" jinxx said "dont worry we will get ashley back and athena were ever she is"

i sure how so jinxx, i sure hope your right....

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