Chapter 21:

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Robin turned around, obviously confused. 'I don't really feel like...uhm, well sleeping...alone.' Robin looked like she was having a inner debate, until she raised an eyebrow and nodded. 'Yeah, uhm, sure.' Max took the pillow from her new bed and got up. They both walked to Robin's room. It was quite different. A lot of pictures on the walls, and posters of rock bands. She had an electric guitar in the corner, a huge tower of books, and lots of clothes. 'Sorry for the mess.' Max chuckled and put her pillow on Robin's huge bed. 'Don't be. I love it.' Max turned to the wall with the pictures. She could recognize some persons. Jonathan, Steve and Nancy. But there was a girl, in almost every picture. 'Who's that?' Robin walked closer and pointed at the girl. 'That, is my girlfriend, Hope.' Max didn't really know how to react, so she just nodded. 'Nice.' Robin finally walked to her bed, and laid down. Max sighed, loud enough for Robin to hear it. 'Listen, Max, I don't know what you're scared of, and I won't guess or assume anything, so please just talk to me?'

Max mumbled something and sat on the opposite site of Robin. 'I'm scared.' Robin turned to Max, and took support on her elbows. 'Of me?' Max gulped and nodded. 'Why?' Max didn't more pressure answer. 'Your stepdad?' Max shivered, looked down on her lap where her hands were, and nodded shyly. Robin crawled over to Max and sat next to her. 'What did he do? Hopper and Joyce didn't really want to tell me everything.' Max started shaking her legs, up and down. She sighed, trying to relax her heavy breathing. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Robin noticed it, and placed her hand gently on Max's leg. 'Take your time.' Max nodded and gulped. She then hesitantly stood up, and turned to face the wall, away from Robin. She slowly moved her hands down, and entirely took her shirt off. Robin gasped and saw all the bruises. They were huge. 'Oh my god, Max.' Robin looked closer and gently put her hand on Max's back. 'Holy shit.' She then moved her hand up to Max's shoulder and turned her around. 'I will never, ever hurt you. I promise Max.' The redhead was sobbing, feeling so vulnerable, but relieved to hear that. She hugged the older girl, forgetting that she was shirtless. 'Thank you Robin.' She managed to speak between sobs.

Robin just rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. She slowly walked back with Max, reaching the bed and sat down. 'Put your shirt back on, you're going to catch a cold.' Max nodded and obeyed after pulling away. Robin gave her a little smile and wiped Max's tears away. 'Let's get some rest.' The redhead nodded and managed to smile lightly. Robin crawled back to where she was laying, and the ginger slowly laid back too.

At first both girls were quiet and kept a distance from each other, even though the redhead felt more alone than ever. Robin finally felt asleep, leaving Max alone with her thoughts. Her thoughts went from school, to Billy, to Neil, to Kali, and then to Eleven. Eleven. Such a mystery. So gentle, yet so scary. So quiet, yet so smart. So cute, yet so hot- Max shook those thoughts away. She turned to her side and slowly dozed off, meeting her dreams with a sweet brunette.

That dream didn't last long. It took a turn and there was Max. Alone. Everything around her was dark. As if she wasn't even sleeping. She could hear some whispering. She couldn't figure out if she was dreaming or if she was awake. Then she heard those whispers getting louder. She was dreaming. She was standing there, in her school's sport hall. She felt a punch, but no one was around. And another one. Someone then hit her in the stomach. She bend down groaning and clearly in pain. As she straightened herself, she saw a gun. Just floating. No one was there. She could see the trigger moving slowly. She had the time to hear the noise. There was a loud BANG.

She woke up, breathing heavily and sweating horribly. Robin heard her, and woke up directly. She instinctively turned around, noticing Max. 'Max, hey, it's ok.' She put an arm around Max's shoulder. 'I got you.' Max started sobbing and broke down in the older girls arms. Robin slowly laid back, taking Max with her, as the redhead put her head on the crook of Robin's neck. Robin kept rocking her and rubbing her back soothingly, until she didn't hear Max sobbing anymore, but a slow and quiet breathing. Robin fell asleep a few moments after, with the younger girl in her arms. They spent the rest of the night like that.

A/N: hello how is everyone? Thank you for 2k btw, love you!

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