Chapter 22:

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Max woke up, alone. She looked around not seeing Robin, and started panicking. Suddenly the door opened, revealing Robin, already dressed for her work. 'Come on Max, get dressed, school starts in 15 minutes.' Max sighed out of relief, and nodded. 'Thanks.' Max got up, went to her new room, realizing that she doesn't have clean clothes. 'Robin?' Robin showed up a few seconds. 'Yes little red?' Max chuckled because of her new nickname and looked up. 'First of, don't call me that, and could you lend me some clothes?' Robin nodded. 'All planned. Watch in your closet.' Max opened it and saw some of her clothes. 'How?' Robin walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. 'Hopper brought them earlier. He took them yesterday but forgot to give you. Oh and, I think there's a note in one of your jackets.' Max panicked, thinking that it was the letter she wrote at Hopper's cabin. She searched in every pocket until she found a note. It's not her letter. She was relieved but still very curious about that mysterious note. She opened the note, and recognized the handwriting so she closed the note and looked at Robin. 'Can you give me some time to get ready, I'll be out in 5 minutes.' The older girl nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door, giving the redhead some privacy.

Max reopened the note and finally read it. "Hello Max. Find me after second period in the little alley, outside the gymnasium. El." Max blushed reading it. She brought the note closer to her nose and she noticed that the scent was similar to Eleven's. She smiled at the memory of her sleeping on Eleven's lap, feeling safe. She missed that feeling. 'I'm driving in 2 minutes little red!' Max startled and got up. She grabbed a white T-shirt with a thin, yellow collar. She then put her favorite green vest, put some jeans on. The ginger walked out, putting her shoes on, locking the apartment door and running down to Robin's car.

'There you are. What was the note about?' Max hold her smirk back and shrugged. The older girl got in the car, chuckling and obviously smirking. 'So, got any test or some school stuff?' Max shook her head, clearly avoiding Robin's gaze. Robin scoffed and turned the radio on. Every breath you take started playing, which made Max cringe, thinking about how she was dancing with Lucas the last time she heard that song. 'You ok over there?' Max finally managed to look at her. ' Turn it off. Please.' Max didn't have to ask twice, the older brunette didn't hesitate to do as told. Of course she had tons a of question, but Max wasn't really in the state of mind to answer any of them.

They arrived at the school without exchanging further words. They didn't move though. Just sitting there, staring straight in front of them. Robin opened her mouth, but Max was faster. 'Can I ask you something?' Robin turned her head, intrigued and nodded. Max didn't bother to look at the older girl. 'Have you ever had a boyfriend?' Robin cringed, chuckling and shook her head. 'Is that how you knew?' This time Robin fully turned her entire body to face Max. 'Ok little red, it's obvious that you're questioning some things. Yes, you had a boyfriend, and I'm sure you liked him, but there are people who go both ways. It's called bisexuality. Hope is bisexual.' Max finally looked at her, confused by this information. Robin recognized the confusion, and decided to elaborate. 'I'm gay. (points at Steve outside flirting with a girl) He's straight. But there is so much in between. So many possibilities. Some people are attracted to the same gender, some to the opposite gender and some for both.' Max raised her eyebrows, finally understanding. 'So, it's ok to like both?' Robin put one hand on her shoulder. 'More than ok.' Max smiled lightly. 'Have a good day Robin. I will walk home after school, you don't need to come and get me.' Robin nodded, but stopped Max before she could get out of the car. 'Here. Call this number if you need anything.' Max frowned. 'Whose number is it?' Robin started the car again and smirked. 'I guess you'll find out whenever you need it.' She winked and Max closed the door, as Robin drove away.

A/N: Hello! Yes I know I haven't posted in more than a week, I deeply apologize!

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