Chapter 28:

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Max started hearing sounds, even voices. Is this a dream? Maybe a nightmare. She slowly dared to cautiously open her eyes. The first thing she noticed was Eleven. Tied up. Not on a chair, no, but both of her wrist were hanging, tied with some electric chains. Her feet could barely touch the floor. She was arguing with a man. The man with the white hair. As Max couldn't hear very clearly what they were saying, she started looking around, finally noticing that she was also tied up, but not like Eleven. Ropes were used, and she was like glued to the wall. Her ankles were fixed against the wall and so were her wrists. Max started to breathe heavily. Unfortunately the white-haired man noticed and turned around with demonic a grin.

'Welcome back, Maxine. I don't think we've met officially. I'm Martin. Martin Brenner. I'm sure subject Eleven has talked about me, hasn't she?' Subject Eleven? Max frown and glared at the man. 'You're that asshole who experimented on her! The man who stole her from her mother! You had no right! You had no right to take her childhood away from her! You fucking moron! Fuck you! Go to hell you m-' Brenner slapped her without hesitation. Max groaned, clenching her jaw. Eleven tried using her power but got an electric shock, giving her a hard time breathing correctly. 'Wha- *Max gulped* What did you do to her?' Brenner grinned and looked at the brunette. 'She did that to herself.' He started approaching Eleven. 'See those magnificent chains? My lovely friend, Carl, created them especially for her. Every time she tries to use her powers, she'll get electrocuted. Fun right? It was my idea.'

Max tried to free herself. 'Don't you dare touching her you fucking bastard!' Brenner laughed, while walking back to Max. 'Oh no, I'm not going to hurt her, she's too precious. I need her. But you? Who is going to miss you? Hm? Billy? Mommy? Maybe Neil?' Max had like a sensation in her stomach, she felt like throwing up but couldn't. It was quite unpleasant. 'W-What do you want?' Eleven managed to talk, being able to breathe. Brenner didn't turn around but instead glared at Max. 'Where is subject eight?' His face was inches from Max's. The redhead shrugged, smirked and spit on him. 'In your ass. You might have to search deep down, you know, like search really, really d-' Brenner slapped her again, but this time harder. Max felt her ear ringing. 'Leave her alone!' Brenner raised an eyebrow and looked at the younger girl. 'And why would I do that?' Eleven wasn't breathing correctly, because of the recent shock. 'H-Hurt me. Leave her a-alone.' Brenner shook his head. 'But I know your weak spot, and that's her. If I want to get you to talk, I have to threaten her. I know that you'd rather get hurt than see someone you love getting hurt.'

The brunette was desperate. 'Please Papa. P-Please.' Brenner put his hand under her chin. 'Where is subject eight?' Eleven was so close to crying, she was actually tearing up. She couldn't let Max get hurt, but telling Brenner where Kali is, wasn't an option. 'I...I can't tell you.' Brenner had a fake soft face. 'My poor child. I'm sorry but I'm afraid that I'll have to hurt your friends back there.' Eleven was trying to free herself, but failed as she got electrocuted again. 'El, stop. I'll be fine. We won't give this son of a bitch what he wants.' Brenner chuckled maniacally and grabbed Max's hair brutally. 'You have no idea what's coming Maxine.' Max chuckled, maybe because she was nervous or maybe because she was crazy. 'No sir, you have no idea. If I ever get the opportunity, I will kill you with my bare hands.' Brenner got goosebumps, but hid it with a fake laugh. 'I can't wait.'

A/N: I updated, omg! Idk what this is-

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