Chapter 42:

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-Quick, dress up., said Max as Eleven got off her trying to find her hoodie.

They quickly dressed not really paying attention. Robin knocked on the door.

-Come in!, said Max laying down next to Eleven who had grabbed a comic book from Max's shelf.

Robin opened the door, smiling as she saw the two girls.

-Hey kiddos. You hungry?, asked the older girl.

-Uh, yeah. I am. El?, wondered Max.

-Yes., nodded the younger girl still pretending to read the comic.

-Alright, then let's eat some pizza., smiled Robin walking out. 

The two girls immediately followed, Eleven still blushing lightly. They caught Hope's look, who was confused and was frowning.

-Why do you have each other's clothes on?, wondered the brunette.

-What?, panicked Eleven as she looked down.

-Oh, uh, the hoodie smells like her, so we just exchanged them, cause I love her scent., improvised Max.

-I see., smiled Hope not buying it.

-Sit down people., said Robin sitting on the couch.

Eleven sat down on the huge rock that covered the floor beneath the couch, Max sitting behind her on the couch, while Hope snuggled against Robin, making her giggle at her girlfriend's childish act.

-Wanna watch a movie?, asked Hope looking at the two younger girls.

-Yeah, sure. Any suggestions?, replied Max.

-The Hidden Fortress., smiled Robin.

-Ugh, again?, groaned Hope.

-Oh shut up, you love that movie. It's a classic black & white movie. Everyone has to have watched it at least once in their lifetime., pouted Robin.

-Yeah yeah, fine., sighed Hope defeated.

While Hope started the movie, Eleven decided to sit on the couch next to Max who was eating a piece of pizza. She snuggled up against her, Max moving an arm around Eleven pulling her closing with a side hug, the younger girl resting her head on Max's shoulder, looking up at her. The brunette just stared at her beautiful girlfriend. Max caught her staring, smiling and kissing Eleven's forehead softly, making her giggle.

-I love you., whispered Max as Eleven melted perfectly in the redhead's arms.

-I love you too., hummed the younger girl feeling safe and complete.

The movie started, but wasn't really paying much attention to it. She was lost in her thoughts. Every person who has supported her and helped her was in that room. She had finally found her family. And family is forever. She couldn't imagine a life without them. And she never had to.




Max woke up as cold hands touched her cheeks. Eleven started laughing uncontrollably as she saw her girlfriend's reaction. The redhead had fallen asleep as she waited for Eleven to come home from work.

-How was work?, asked the redhead kissing her girlfriend's lips.

-It was fun. Will came by with Mike, we talked a little bit and they invited us to dinner for next week., smiled Eleven.

-Oh nice. It's my chance to beat Mike's ass again on Wii Sports., replied Max.

-You and him are still stuck in the 80's., chuckled Eleven.

-Yes, so what? It was easier back then. But at least now, I can take you on nice dates in public. Oh, Robin called, she said that she'd be in town in two weeks. Apparently she's going to propose to Hope, so we'll see how that goes., replied the redhead getting up from the couch following her girlfriend to their bedroom. 

-Wait really? That's amazing news, oh my god!, smiled Eleven while changing into her comfy clothes after a long day at her office, being the psychologist of many children.

-Yes, it is., chuckled Max who after 13 years still couldn't take her eyes off her beautiful girlfriend.

-What?, chuckled Eleven.

-Nothing, Jane. I just love you so much. I can't believe you're still here with me after so many years. I can be really annoying., replied the redhead shrugging.

-Oh but that's your charm my love., said Jane as she walked up to her girlfriend.

-Yeah right., laughed Max shaking her head.

-So, what movie did you choose for tonight?, wondered the brunette.

-No movie tonight. You need sleep and rest. So just lay down and relax., smiled Max softly.

-Okay boss., joked Jane as she laid down next to her.

The younger girl laid down next to Max, her head on the redhead's chest, her favorite place in the world. Max looked down at her girlfriend who quickly fell asleep, smiling and remembering everything life had thrown at them. And after all that crap, they were still together, stronger and more in love than ever. They had found their home many years back, knowing the second their relationship got serious that it'd be forever. They had found each other due to crazy situations, yet now they're living a normal and peaceful life, without having to worry if a crazy scientist was after Jane or if Billy or Neil would come for Max. They moved out of Hawkins two years after graduation. Max followed Jane to a nice university, Jane studying psychology, wanting to help children like Max and her. Max studied the law, becoming a lawyer after many many years. They were both so proud of each other. Life had given them a reason to fight for. And they never let go of that reason. The reason is called love. Once you find it, never let go it. I promise, love is worth all the pain. Max closed her eyes, falling asleep and meeting her dreams. The both girls slept peacefully, feeling complete with each other's company. 

The end.


A/N: This was my first story ever. I started writing this story in June 2017. It's been four years. I only decided posting it on here after many many months, thinking that no one would read it or enjoy it. Yet, you guys never let me down. I started believing in myself more and kept working and evolving. This has been a crazy journey and I wanted to thank every single one of you for the support and love you've given me. I'm so thankful. But for now, I'll see in my Sillie book and maybe in a few months in a completely new and different book. Again, thank you so much. I hope you're not too sad that it's over. Anyways, enough of this cheesy stuff lmao. I love you!!!

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