Chapter 29:

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It has been 3 hours, of Eleven getting electrocuted and Max, well, you don't want the details. Brenner was having an amazing time. Max wouldn't let Eleven tell him where Kali was. 'Enough! Tell me where subject eight is, or I will start cutting her up! Do you want that?' Eleven's heart stopped when those words left his mouth. 'Papa, I'm begging you. J-Just take me!' Brenner laughed maniacally, and those walls just made his laughter sound more hauntingly. He turned to Max with the same old demonic grin. The redhead was breathing heavily, not because she was scared, but because she was exhausted of being hurt. 'I can do this all day.' Brenner approached her again. 'So can I.' Brenner punched her in the stomach. Max was already spitting blood from her mouth, but she didn't care, she couldn't let Brenner get to Kali.

'Hopper will find you, and when he will, you're dead. You are so dead, do you hear me!' Brenner needed a break , the screaming and the hurting was too much after a good amount of time, even for him. He took his suit jacket off and left the room. He left them alone. Max found that pretty dumb, but at least she could talk to Eleven. 'El?' The brunette looked at her with tired eyes. 'M-My wrists.'  Max thought about it, and it made sense that her wrists hurt. First of all, she was hanging there, being held by her wrists, meaning the weight of the entire body was pulling her down. And secondly, she was being electrocuted every time she tried to use her powers. 'Ok, that's it.' The redhead start pulling the ropes, first she started to pull the ones hold her arms still. She pulled as hard as she could, and the ropes slowly started to loosen up. Max knew that it would leave bruises on those spots, but she didn't care. Once she was able to slip one her right hand out of the rope, she took care of her left hand, her legs following. Completely free, she ran up to Eleven. 'I got you, just hold on, ok?' Max took a look at Eleven's chains, and it seems to be like mechanic system, meaning she needed to press a button to free her girlfriend. Max turned around, looking through the room and spotted a closet. She ran to it, opened it, but it was empty.

'Are you looking for this?' Max turned around to find Brenner, back in the room, with a remote in his hand. She clenched her jaw. 'Give it.' Brenner chuckled. 'Come and get it, Maxine. Do it for your friend.' Max ran up to him, somehow managed to tackle him, punched him on the face as hard as she could a couple times. Brenner needed a moment to process the fact that Max was beating him up. Him. A teenage girl was beating a grownup up. He pushed her away but she pushed him back down, and punched him again. She managed to grab a metal stick that she found on the floor and hit him on the head with it.

At the exact same moment, Chief Hopper, Kali, Robin and Hope appeared, after one of them, probably Hopper, kicked the door open. Max couldn't stop hitting Brenner. She didn't care about hurting him or killing him. 'MAX!' Max heard Eleven screaming and she stopped. She remembered that she had to free her girlfriend. But first, she had to make a few things clear. 'Listen, You white-ass privileged idiot, first off, it's Max, not Maxine. And secondly, she is my girlfriend.' The redhead got up, leaving Brenner to Hopper. Max grabbed the remote and handed it to Kali. 'You press that, and I'll catch her.' Kali nodded and waited for Max to be next to Eleven, when she was, Kali pressed the button and Eleven fell into Max's arms. 'I got you.' Whispered Max to her girlfriend. Max just hugged her. Hugged her so tight, trying to comfort her the best she possibly could. Eleven hugged back, knowing that if she let go, she would collapse. The brunette whispered to her girlfriend. 'I'm sorry.' Max shook her head. 'Nothing about this is your fault cutie.' Eleven tried to talk but coughed, being too weak to do anything. 'We'll talk later, it's okay.' Max slowly moved to Eleven's side still holding her, put Eleven's arm on her shoulders and her own arm under Eleven's arm.

Hopper carried Brenner to his car, telling Robin to take the girls to a safe place. Kali left with Hopper and Brenner. A older brunette helped Max, by walking to Eleven's other side and did the same as Max. 'Let's get her to the car.' It was Hope, Max recognized the voice. Together they walked out of the building which turned out to be an abandoned restaurant. Robin drove the car to the front door where the three girls walked out. Max and Hope helped Eleven into the car, the redhead then sitting next to her, letting her girlfriend put her head on Max's shoulder.

A/N: I finally have some ideas for this story

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