Chapter 25:

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{Read the Last chapter}

Max needed a moment to let those words sink in. She couldn't believe it.  'W-what?' Eleven finally looked her in the eyes, making her understand that she was serious. 'I want you, Max. Not Mike. You. You are better. There is no better than y-you.' Max was speechless. She didn't know how to react. She didn't know what to say or what to do. She was just staring at Eleven, with her eyebrows raised. 'A-are you mad?' Max frowned. 'About what?' Eleven started fidgeting with her pencil. 'That I like you?'

Those words made Max's butterflies inside her stomach just explode. She had definitely never felt that way. Max gulped. She wasn't mad. But she didn't know what to say. 'I'm not. But...why...why do you like me? I mean, I'm The boring, stupid, clumsy, ugly, sassy me.' Eleven punched her shoulder. 'Ow!' Max rubbed her shoulder. 'You are not boring! You are smart, interesting, kind, caring, funny, beautiful,, you are strong, you are talented. There is nothing to dislike about you.' Max was blushing. She couldn't handle it. The way Eleven struggled to say some words and the expression that she made when she was trying to find the right words, it was all just too cute and adorable. 'You really think so?' Eleven looked up smiling. 'Friends don't lie.' Max bit her bottom lip nervously. 'S-so, what does this m-mean?' Eleven chuckled. 'That I like you more than Mike?' This time, it was Max who looked down. 'In what way?' Eleven gently put one hand on Max's chin, and gave her no other option but to look at her. Eleven stared at her for a little while, then her eyes shifted to Max's lips.

Max's heart was racing so fast and loud, she wondered if Eleven could hear it beating. The brunette didn't move, thinking about the last time that she had tried to kiss Max, so she looked back into her eyes. She didn't want to make her upset. Max quickly leaned in and kissed her. It was a quick kiss. Eleven didn't even have the time to process what had happened. Of course Max panicked and apologized for it. 'I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry, I-'

Eleven couldn't keep listening to Max apologizing, so she kissed her. This kiss was longer, and more passionate. No one added tongue, wanting to keep it innocent and gentle. Max was a bit tensed at first, but eventually kissed back, pulling Eleven closer. Eleven moved her hand to Max's cheek, gently caressing it. They slowly pulled away, needing to breathe. 'Wow.' Max nodded. 'Yeah. Wow.' They both giggled, not saying anything. Max looked down. 'Took you long enough.'

Eleven chuckled. 'Well, I did try to kiss you back in the cabin, freaked out. I'm sorry.' Max gave her a little smile. 'Don't apologize cutie. I was...scared. I didn't want accept this.' Eleven grabbed Max's hand gently. 'What changed?' Max intervened their hands. 'A special someone made me realize, that I actually don't give a fuck about what others think. I like you El. No one can change that.' Eleven caressed Max's hand softly. 'Jane.' Max frowned. 'What?' Eleven chuckled. 'My real name. It's Jane.' Max smiled, staring at her. 'It peferctly suits you. It's beautiful. Just like you.' Eleven blushed and looked down. 'Hey, don't hide. It's cute when you blush.' That made her blush even more, but she obeyed.

They didn't hear the bell ring, until Erica showed up. 'Hey nerds, you should get to your classes.' Max had a little startle, to which Eleven answered with a soft squeeze on her hand. Erica saw their hands and smirked. 'Oh yeah, thanks Erica.' Erica chuckled and winked, before leaving. 'Ready for P.E.?' Eleven frowned. 'I hate it.' Max chuckled. 'At least now I can help you, without having you glaring at me.' Eleven smiled but then frowned again. 'I'm sorry.' Max shook her head. 'Don't be. It's ok.' Eleven nodded, still mad at herself. 'Let's go.' Max stood up and helped Eleven get up too. They walked together to the girls locker room.

A reason to fight for.//elmax-MadmageWhere stories live. Discover now