Chapter 3:

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(A/N: ok so this is a shorter chapter but enjoy!!!!)

Will was out of breath, trying to say something, but he couldn't make a sound. Eleven stood up and walked up to him. 'Hey, just breathe, it's ok, it's just us. Just calm down.' 'Billy.' That was the only thing he managed to let out.
But what did he mean by "Billy"?
Max as confused as Eleven: 'W-What about him?' 'Gun.' Max froze at the sound of that word. It echoed in her head. 'He's here? With a gun?' Will nodded: 'We need to get her out of here. Now! I called Hopper, but he was in the city with my mom. Eleven we need to get her out of here, but I talked to the doctors and they said that she can't walk-'

'First of all "she" has a name. Second, I can walk just fine.' Max moved her legs and tried to stand up, as she almost collapsed, Eleven had some amazing reflexes and caught Max. 'Don't touch me!' Max was freaked out, she didn't trust Eleven. 'Max you don't have a choice here. I'm too weak to carry you, and Billy is coming. You can't walk. Just let her help you. She already saved your life once, why don't you let her help you?' Will was trying so hard to make both of them feel safe and comfortable.
'M-Max, just trust me. For once. Please. I won't let you stay here so don't even think about it.'

Eleven regretted the last few months, she was mad at herself for hating Max. For hurting her. For being stupid and not giving her a chance when they first met. 'But-' Max glanced at Eleven, who gave her a little reassuring smile. 'I won't let you stay.' Max sighed and relaxed: 'Ok. Fine. Don't make me regret it.' Eleven promised her with a soft voice and nodded lightly: 'Never.'

Eleven picked her up ,gently, bridal style  and stood up with Max in her arms. Max cheeks were red, she could feel the warmth that came from Eleven's chest. She put her arms around Eleven neck. The brunette quickly looked away and didn't react. Will opened the door again and looked if someone was there: 'Let's go. Now.' Will kept the door open for the girls, Will ran to the elevator and he pressed the button. Eleven carries Max to the elevator. Max slipped a little but Eleven was able to catch her from falling off her arms. Max flinched at the feeling of falling, but Eleven kept her safe in her arms: 'I got you. Don't be scared.'

The elevator opened, it was empty, no sign of Billy. Will entered and Eleven followed while being careful, so Max won't hit her head against anything. Will pressed the button for the ground floor and they waited. Max and Will were terrified, Eleven wasn't that much, but she noticed how her they looked at each other with frightened expressions. 'Hey. I will not let him hurt you. Any of you. I promise.' Max said something she didn't know she would ever say: 'Please just contain him. Don't kill him.' 'I can't promise that. I will do my best though, to keep you safe, and if that means killing him, I won't think twice.' Eleven had to confess that, because, well, friends don't lie.

The door of the elevator opened and there was no sign of life, which was pretty weird, because it was 6pm and they were at a hospital. Even the secretary's desk was empty. Max looked around and wasn't able to stay calm. She started hyperventilating again, like she did when she woke up. 'Max, it's ok. You're ok. Breathe.' Eleven hold her tighter. Max could feel the comforting warmth again from Eleven's body even more than she already did and slowed her breathing.

'I can see Hopper's car. Come on.' Will had focused on what was going on outdoors and not in the hospital. Eleven carried Max out of there and she could already see Hopper waving for them to come to his car. Suddenly she saw Hopper ducking behind his car's open door, and without thinking she did too. She hid behind a delivery truck. Will confused of why there were ducking looked behind him and saw Billy pointing a gun at them. Eleven used her powers and pulled him down next to her. 'T-thanks.' Will was under shock. Max wasn't aware of what they were hiding: 'Why are we hiding? Is he there? Oh, my god, is he there?' Will nodded and looked at Hopper's car.

A reason to fight for.//elmax-MadmageWhere stories live. Discover now