Chapter 11:

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A/N: Guys, I'm really trying to continue writing, but every time I start, someone interrupts me or tells me to do something. I am sorry. Also, MAKE SURE TO READ THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER!!

'So you're saying that you're the one who stopped her from hurting me again?' Max couldn't believe it and just stared at Eleven in disbelief. The brunette responded with a quick nod. She moved her hand slowly to Max's arm and started lifting her sleeve. Max put her hand on Eleven's, making the brunette look up and meet her ocean eyes. She raised her eyebrows innocently, asking for permission to continue to lift the sleeve. Max sighs to which Eleven moved her other hand on top of Max's and caress the redheads hand gently. After a few seconds she took her hand and Max's hand away very gently and continued moving Max's sleeve up. Surprisingly she had more than one bruise. Eleven's gently caresses her freckled skin, stopping at a bigger bruise.

She looked up, seeing Max avoiding her gaze. 'Max.' The redhead hesitantly looked Eleven directly in the eyes. Her eyes were red. Eleven could sense that the other girl was close to crying. She pulled the key for the cuffs out of her pocket without looking away from those ocean eyes.

Max was lost in the other girls eyes. There was so much behind that innocent look that she didn't know. So much that she went through that Max never acknowledged. So much that she couldn't possibly imagine. Sure Lucas told her about the whole lab thing and the upside down stuff, but what about her family? She had to have parents. Everyone does. Where are they? What did they do to her while she was at that lab with her so called "papa"?

Eleven uncuffed Max's hand, still without looking away. As her hand was free, Eleven moved her hands slowly to Max's back and hugged her. Max put her chin against Eleven's shoulder, since she was shorter. She quickly decided that it was better having her forehead against the shoulder, to hide her tears. Eleven started comforting her, rubbing her back slowly. It didn't take long for Max to start sobbing uncontrollably. They sat there like that for what felt like hours, but in reality it had been 10 minutes when a loud knock on the front door. It made Max tense up. 'I got this. Ok? No one will hurt you as long as I'm here.' Eleven tried to pull away from the hug but Max stopped her. 'Stay.' Another knock, but louder. 'I need to go check who it is. It might be the party.' Max let her go. Eleven put her hand on Max's cheek and made her look up. 'Stay here, I'll be right back.'

Eleven stood up, walked out of her room and closed the door. She took a drop breath and walked up to the front door. As she was moving her hand to the door, the door broke open. A man. She had seen him before but couldn't remember where. 'Where is she.' Neil. It was Neil. The man took something out of his pants. Where the hell do the get all those guns from? First Billy and now him? Max better not have a gun, or I'm going to lose it. 'I SAID: where is she.' 'I'm sorry sir, but I do not know who you're talking about. And you are trespassing, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave.'

Neil chuckled and pointed the gun at Eleven and she quickly raised her hands. 'I don't want to hurt you sir, so would you please leave.' Neil acted like he was even considering it. 'Mmmmm. No. As long as I know, I have a gun and you're just a helpless girl. Now, where is she.' As Max heard the word "gun" she opened the door and walked out with her hands raised. 'I-I'm here.' 'Get your ass in the car. Now!' Eleven stepped in front of Max. 'No.' Neil chuckled which made Max shiver. 'And who's going to stop me, from taking her home. You?' Max placed her hand on Eleven's shoulder. 'It's not home Neil. What does the word home mean for you? Hm? A place you're scared of? A place where you don't feel safe? A place where you feel like you want to end your life? In that case, sure, call it home! But I am not going back there. I guess that your definition of home and mine, is something we look at differently!' Eleven smiled to herself. Wow, that was badass. Eleven pulled Max behind her as Neil took a step closer. 'I will shoot you.' Eleven stared him down. 'Go ahead.' So he did. The gun fired. Max screamed at the top of her lungs, but Eleven didn't move. The bullet stopped two inches away from her face. Eleven smiled. 'Wrong choice sir.' She moved the bullet to his head. 'What the hell? What just happ-'

A wooden wall appeared between them and the bullet dropped without touching Neil. 'Ok, what is goin-' There was a loud noise. Someone fired a gun. Max sat down with her back to the wall, knees up to her head and breathing heavily. Eleven tried touching the unknown and wooden wall, but her hand went right through it. She turned around and saw her in the corner, against the wall. 'Max?' said Eleven tentatively, outstretching a hand and placing it on Max's shoulder. Max instinctively yelped and raised her hands, shooting her head up to look at Eleven, terror in her eyes. Eleven's eyes went wide and she withdrew her hand, staring at Max, who hadn't stopped breathing heavily as her body was shaking. Eleven used her softest voice to calm the other girl. 'It's just me. It's ok. You're ok.' Max shook her head, putting her hand back down. Eleven hesitantly moved her hand to Max's cheek. Max calmed her breathing, while relaxing her tensed shoulders.

Eleven gently caressed her cheek, when Max noticed that the wall disappeared and that her stepfather was on the floor, holding his leg. But there was also this other girl. Brown skin. Not very tall. A gun in her hand. 'E-El?' Max Voice was shaking and the brunette followed Max's gaze and didn't move. 'Hello sister.' Eleven stood up, and hugged the girl. 'Sister.' Max was very confused and couldn't help but this weird weird feeling. Jealousy. But of what? She shook that thought and ran up to Neil. 'Neil, are you okay?'

Neil quickly put his hand around her neck, still breathing heavily. 'YOU SLUT!' Max yelped and put her hands on Neil, trying to loosen his grip, but failed miserably. Hearing Max gasping and Neil screaming, Eleven pulled away from the emotional hug and instinctively ran up to Neil and threw a punch. Eleven, not being a physical fighter, hurt her hand when punching him. He let go of Max, stumbling backwards and falling on his back. Max was on her butt, trying to process what happened. His hand leaving her throat, allowed air to finally go through her whole body.

The unknown, brown, older girl made Neil stand up and hold him still. 'I'll take him outside and wait for your policeman.' Eleven nodded and hurriedly went up to Max. The redhead looked up at Eleven, who was reaching her hand down for her to take, so she did. Eleven pulled her up on her feet. 'I got you.' That sentence made Max's knees go weak. Eleven moved the other hand on Max's upper arm, and surprisingly, Max accepted the touch without fear. Eleven moved closer and tried using her softest voice, which was shaking. 'Can I hug you?' Max chuckled slightly because no one ever cared enough to ask that, so of course, she nodded. The hug was so comforting and warm. They could have stayed in that position for hours. And indeed, they lost track of time and had been hugging for 18 minutes, when they heard a engine arriving. Eleven mumbled softly but clearly. 'Hopper.' Max nodded and understood that Eleven wanted her to let go. Max gently pulled away avoiding those hazel eyes. Eleven saw her reaction and smiled in amusement.

'Who are you?' Hopper raised his voice and the girl answered with an accent. Maybe British? Max couldn't tell. 'That's not the point sir, this man tried-' 'You are holding a gun in front of my house, where my daughter and her friend are!' Eleven took Max's hand and walked with her to the door. 'Hop.' Hopper saw Eleven and smiled slightly, glad that she wasn't hurt. Eleven let go of the redhead's hand and walked down to Kali. 'El, stay away from her!' Eleven shook her head and put a hand on the girls shoulder. 'This is Kali. My sister. She saved us.'

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