Chapter 33:

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'Hop! Wake up!' The adult man groaned and looked at the clock. 'It's 7:03am, El. You can still sleep a bit.' The brunette turned Hopper's lights on. 'I've been awake since 6:30am, so get up I want to go to school.' The man groaned and put his pillow on his face. Eleven chuckled, but used her powers, threw the pillow away and pulled the covers off Hopper's bed, who finally gave in and got up. 'I'm going to make some coffee. Go get dressed.' Eleven nodded, smiling and satisfied that she managed to wake male adult up. She left the room, giving Hopper some time to get ready.

Eleven went to her room and looked in her closet. For once, she wanted to look good. She wanted to please Max. Not that the redhead would ever ask her to change anything, including the way she dresses. The brunette shrugged it off and put some comfortable pants on, with her cute and favorite oversized hoodie. She then walked up to her mirror and combed her hair, not really caring if it hurts.

She wasn't really hungry so she just grabbed her lunch that Hopper had prepared the previous day and as you may have guessed, it contains a certain type of breakfast food. Yes, of course Eggos. Hopper eventually showed up, all dressed up and ready for work, grabbed the keys to his car and went outside, followed by Eleven.

'So, are you ready for school?' Obviously Hopper wasn't going to ask her if she was ready to see Max again, so he went with that. 'Yes. I'm ready to spend a day without any danger.' Eleven was totally oblivious, but who could blame her. 'I'm sorry about last night. I know you told me not to, but I had a gut feeling that something was wrong with Max, and I was right.' Eleven hopped that he wasn't mad about it or that she would get grounded. 'It's okay kid. I just want you to learn to also give her some space and privacy sometimes.' Of course Eleven understood that, so she just nodded.

'Little red! If you don't get up now, you'll be late for school!' Robin has been knocking at Max's door for straight up 3 minutes without getting any answer. As she was about to knock again, Max opened the door, Robin hitting Max's eye harder than she expected. The older girl gasped and immediately put her hand on Max's cheek to look at the eye. Fortunately, Max had closed her eye as Robin hit her (not on purpose if I may add). 'I'm sorry Max, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just knocking and you weren't answering a-' She got interrupted. 'No, no. It's my fault. I was getting dressed and that's why I didn't reply. This is on me.' The redhead wasn't mad, she knew that Robin didn't do it on purpose. ' It's a bit swollen.' She said as she slowly moved her thumb on the skin under Max's eye. 'It's okay, Robin. I've had a lot worse.' Max said that while chuckling, but Robin didn't think of it as funny at all, which Max noticed. So the redhead gently grabbed Robin's hand and pulled it away from her face. 'Let's go. I want to see El before the bell.' That's when it hit Robin. 'She's going to kill me. I'm so dead.' Max chuckled at how funny it was that an adult was scared of such a soft child, but of course she then remembered the times when she was scared. 'She won't. I'll explain it to her.' Was Max still scared of her?

As Max was sitting in the car, the question was stuck in her head. Was she? Still scared of the one person she truly loves? Eleven did have those impressive yet dangerous powers. But she had promised not to use them on Max. And Eleven always keeps her promises. As Robin parked the car, she shook Max lightly, to which the redhead responded by getting a little startle. Robin took her hand off, not sure what had just happened. 'Sorry, I was talking to you but you wouldn't react or respond.' Max nodded and looked outside seeing Hopper's car approaching. A huge smile appeared on her face when she saw a little brunette walk out. 'See you later dingus.' Max left the vehicular not looking back.

Eleven caught Max's eyes as she looked around. But something was wrong with Max's right eye, so she frowned. She quickly walked up to her and put her hand on her face, gently caressing her skin. 'What happened?' The brunette's voice was filled with worrisome. 'Nothing bad.' Max just wanted to kiss those soft lift that she had been staring at for a while minute. 'Max.' This time, she used a firm tone, which got the redhead's attention. She looked her in the eyes. 'It was a little accident this morning. I opened my bedroom's door as Robin was about to knock on it, so her hand hit my eye.' Eleven frowned and looked at Robin's parked car. 'El, she didn't do it on purpose. Okay?' Eleven didn't respond. 'Jane.' Eleven's eye shot up to Max's. 'She didn't do it on purpose. I promise.' The brunette nodded, still not moving her hand from her girlfriend's face.

Max took the opportunity to kiss her cheek and see her girlfriend come back to herself as she blushed. 'I missed you.' Eleven really missed her, not only her gentle touches, but also her presence and her love. Presence. The previous night popped up in her head. 'Can we talk about last night?' Max frowned and then remembered. 'I-' The school bell interrupted her. 'We need to get to class.' They entered through building together, quickly walking to the classroom while ignoring every person who might have looked at their joined hands. It's not like they cared what other thought about them. That's when they saw Mike and Will making out in the corner of the hallway, hidden by an open door. Eleven squeezed Max's hand and clenched her jaw. Was she jealous?

A/N: yes I know I haven't updated for months. Yes I am sorry. Sooooooo here goes a chapter! Now that holidays started, I'll have more time to write.

A reason to fight for.//elmax-MadmageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora