Chapter two:

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'Get up!'
Max didn't react.
Billy kicked her in the stomach: 'I said, get up!'
Max still didn't react.
Billy tried to kick her again but some strange force was stopping him.
'What the hell?'
Will realizes what was happening and looked at El whose nose was bleeding.
Eleven said softly but firmly as she did when she saved Mike and Dustin from Troy and his friend: 'Get away from her.'
Billy didn't know about the whole upside down story: 'Who the fuck are you? You think I'm scared of you, little weird girl?'
Will tried to make her keep her cool and not lose it: 'Eleven, calm down.'
Billy talking in a mocking voice: 'Eleven? Is that your name? Wow, you're a real freak. Go take care of your shit, I'll take care of mine.'

Eleven pushed Billy away from Max body with her powers without hesitating for a second. 'You better run away, before I decide that I shouldn't listen to Will, but listen to my instinct.' Billy who didn't fully understand what had just happened to him: 'Holy shit, what the hell? How-' Eleven glared at Billy one last time, then he stood up as quickly as he could manage after being thrown in the air and ran out of the arcade and drove away as fast as his car could drive. The Byers boy didn't exactly know if he was dreaming or if Eleven just saved her Max' life, the girl she hated since she laid eyes on her: 'Woah.'

Eleven approaches Max's body and checks her pulse: 'She's alive.' Will was trying to stay calm and not panic like a lot of people would in his situation: 'I'm gonna call some help. Stay with her and check constantly her pulse.' Will disappeared as he opened the door and walked away.

Eleven staring at the redhead: 'Come on Max, don't give up.' Max was unconscious in Eleven's arms and her head was bleeding. Eleven rip off a part of her flannel and pressed it against Max's head. It was bleeding, a lot. Eleven didn't know she could be so concerned about someone she hadn't talked a word with. Eleven screaming so Will would hear her: 'She's losing a lot of blood, hurry up!' Will ran up to the door: 'They are on their way!'

Eleven picked Max up and carried her outside, mumbling angrily: 'Come on. Fucking ambulance, just hurry.'
After a 3 long minutes long, the ambulance arrived with the doctor in it: 'Put her here.' Eleven laid Max on that weird bed, which Eleven couldn't possibly name. Doctor trying to get some information: 'Are you her friends?'
Eleven didn't even hesitate to make a statement: 'Yes sir...will she be ok?'
The doctor was trying to comfort Eleven: 'We'll do our best. Hop in and call a parent.'
Eleven got in the ambulance and stared at Max. Will didn't follow Eleven: 'I'll call Hopper, you go with her ok?' Eleven had this awkward little feeling about being alone with Max since she doesn't really know her: 'But what if she wakes up?'
Will just said without elaboration: 'Comfort her.' Eleven, who clearly wasn't in her comfort zone: 'How am I supposed to do that? I've never talked to her.'
Will noticed it, but didn't know how to help her:'Just...say nice things and try to make her stay calm.'

<Later at the hospital.>

Max had been placed in a room, the doctors took care of her while Eleven worryingly didn't get her eyes off her. After the doctors were done, they said something to Eleven about 'her vitals being stable'. Eleven wasn't sure what it meant, but she just had one thing on her mind 'protect Max at all cost'. Eleven made herself comfortable and sat down, next to Max, staring at her and lost in her thoughts.

She had never paid much attention about how Max looked, or who she was behind her toughness. Since she saw Mike and Max in that gym, she had decided to hate her. Eleven noticed that Max had a lot of freckles: 'Pretty', she said quietly. Max groaned lightly and started moving her hands. All of the sudden her eyes were open, Eleven could see that Max's brain slowly understood where she was.

Max started hyperventilating, groaning and closing her eyes, and opening them again. 'Breathe.' Eleven was trying to comfort her, like Will told her to.
Max turned to face Eleven and her eyes widened: 'E-Eleven?' 'Just calm down. Breathe. Focus on that.' Eleven wasn't sure what to say. Max reached for her own head when Eleven stopped her hand from touching the bandaids on her wound. Max flinched out of fear: 'Don't t-touch me. P-Please?'

Eleven took her hand back: 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you ok?' Eleven realized what she just asked,'Sorry, dumb question. I'm not very good at this.' Eleven sadly looked down.

Max had secretly been scared of Eleven since she found out that Eleven had made her fall off her skate that day at the gym. 'W-What happened?' She wasn't sure that what she remembered was a dream, or the terrible reality.
'Your stepbrother smashed your skate on your head, and you fell un-con-scious.' Eleven's vocabulary was limited, half of the time, she wasn't sure if she was saying the right things.

'What h-happened after t-that?' Clearly because Max had been unconscious, she had no idea that the person she's scared of, saved her life from her own stepbrother. Eleven wasn't sure if she would believe it, but she had to give it shot: 'Billy kicked the stomach, but then...I stopped him and made him run away. I don't think that he'll bother you again.' The redhead was confused about what she had just heard: 'A-are you implying that you s-saved my life?'
Eleven nodded as she looked down at her own lap.

'I-' Max wasn't sure if she should thank her, or yell because she didn't stop him before he smashed the skate.
'I'm sorry.' Eleven felt guilty. Not sure of what though. Max opened her mouth to say something, but the room's door opened and Will ran in the room. Eleven could feel that something was wrong. Like really wrong. 'Will? Are you ok?'

A/N: I will try to update as often as possible!!! <3

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