Time Heist: Death of Black Widow

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Returning to 2023, the entire team of Avengers have now escape from the past and had retrieve each individual Infinity Stones. Once Steve had arrived back from 1970, Hulk made a brief statement on making sure if anybody had all of the stones. Upon arriving in the present, however, Rogers and Banner learned that Natasha Romanoff sacrificed herself on Vormir so that Hawkeye could obtain the Soul Stone.

As the Avengers mourned Natasha's death, Steve told Tony Stark that they were her family and silently cried over the death of his friend. Despite of the team's assurance, Thor was in denial that Natasha was truly gone. Rogers witnessed Thor ranting about getting her back by using the Infinity Stones however, Clint Barton argued against him considering that the sacrifice can not be undone. Once Banner claimed that they must not let Natasha's sacrifice be in vain, Steve became determined to let the sacrifice be worth it.

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