Ultron Offensive: Attack on Avengers Tower

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The party was interrupted when a loud noise rang through the room before broken down robot stepped forward, calling itself Ultron. The robot claimed that all the Avengers could never be worthy, as they were all killers who wanted to protect the world, but not allow it to change. Ultron then claimed to have killed someone to get to them but had refused to tell Steve whom he had actually killed.

Announcing that the only path to peace on Earth was the Avengers' deaths, Ultron and some hijacked Iron Legion drones attacked the group, proclaiming humanity inferior and ready for extinction. Rogers and the rest of the group engaged in a violent battle with Ultron, with Rogers kicking over the table to block an incoming drone which was flying directly for him and Maria Hill, although Rogers was still thrown across the room as the drone had crashed straight into him.

Leaping onto a flying drone's back, Steve used his strength to pull the drones apart with his bare hands before he could shoot at Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff. During the clash, Steve was thrown across the room and smashed into walls until he was thrown to the ground. Seeing another drone about to shoot Helen Cho, Rogers had immediately ran straight to Cho's aid and then proceeded to throw the drone back towards Thor who furiously smashed it apart.

With one of the final drones being dispatched by Tony Stark, Rogers was then thrown his Shield by Clint Barton and destroyed the final drone with it. With the Avengers coming out victorious, Ultron then continued to rant about his desire to destroy the Avengers to bring peace to the entire planet, before his first robotic form was then completely destroyed by Mjølnir. However, Ultron's mind had still managed to escape by accessing through the internet.

The Story of Steve Rogers/Captain America (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin